oaEndStyle Class Reference

Public Methods

 oaEndStyle (oaEndStyleEnum valueIn)
 oaEndStyle (const oaString &name)
const oaStringgetName () const
 operator oaEndStyleEnum () const

Detailed Description

The oaEndStyle class implements an enumerated type representing the different styles the end of a path segment may have.

The oaEndStyle class is an enum wrapper class for oaEndStyleEnum values.

See Enum Wrappers in the Programmers Guide for a discussion of enum wrappers.

enum oaEndStyleEnum

Enumeration values:
oacTruncateEndStyle  "truncate"
The pathSeg terminates at the end point with no overlap.
oacExtendEndStyle  "extend"
The pathSeg terminates one-half the segment’s width past the end point.
oacVariableEndStyle  "variable"
The pathSeg terminates at a user-specified (endExt) distance past the end point.
oacChamferEndStyle  "chamfer"
The pathSeg is terminated with an octagonal (chamfered) end style of fixed uniform dimensions.
oacCustomEndStyle  "custom"
The pathSeg is terminated with an octagonal (chamfered) end-style where each dimension of the chamfer is user-specified.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

oaEndStyle::oaEndStyle oaEndStyleEnum    valueIn [inline]

This constructor creates an oaEndStyle object based on the oaEndStyleEnum value 'valueIn' passed to it.

valueIn One of the oaEndStyleEnum values to create this oaEndStyle with

oaEndStyle::oaEndStyle const oaString &    name

This constructor creates an oaEndStyle object based on the string value 'name' that represents a qualified end style.

name One of the oaEndStyleEnum type names to use for this oaEndStyle

Member Function Documentation

const oaString & oaEndStyle::getName   const

This function returns a string that represents the name for the enumerated value that this end style represents.

oaEndStyle::operator oaEndStyleEnum   const [inline]

This operator converts this oaEndStyle object into the corresponding enumerated oaEndStyleEnum value that it represents.

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