oaObserver<oaParasiticNetwork> Class Template Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaObserver<oaParasiticNetwork>:


Public Methods

 oaObserver (oaUInt4 priorityIn, oaBoolean enabledIn=true)
virtual ~oaObserver ()
virtual void onPostCreate (oaParasiticNetwork *pn)
virtual void onPreDestroy (oaParasiticNetwork *pn)
virtual void onPostLoad (oaParasiticNetwork *pn)
virtual void onPreUnload (oaParasiticNetwork *pn)
virtual void onPreModify (oaParasiticNetwork *pn, oaParasiticNetworkModTypeEnum modType)
virtual void onPostModify (oaParasiticNetwork *pn, oaParasiticNetworkModTypeEnum modType)

Detailed Description

class oaObserver<oaParasiticNetwork>

This base template class can be used to derive observers for oaParasiticNetwork objects. It supports postCreate, preDestroy, postLoad, preUnload, preModify, and postModify event notifications.

See oaObserver for information on using Open Access observer template classes to derive and instantiate observers in an application.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

oaObserver<oaParasiticNetwork>::oaObserver oaUInt4    priorityIn,
oaBoolean    enabledIn = true

This is the oaObserver<oaParasiticNetwork> constructor. If multiple observers exist for a given oaParasiticNetwork notification event, observers with a lower priorityIn value are called before those with a higher value.

priorityIn priority of this observer relative to other oaParasiticNetwork observers
enabledIn Determines whether this observer is called when an observed event occurs

oaObserver<oaParasiticNetwork>::~oaObserver   [virtual]

This is the destructor for the oaObserver<oaParasiticNetwork> class. This function destroys this oaObserver<oaParasiticNetwork> object, deactivating and deleting this observer from the oaParasiticNetwork observer list, and freeing all resources associated with this observer.

Member Function Documentation

void oaObserver<oaParasiticNetwork>::onPostCreate oaParasiticNetwork *    pn [virtual]

This function is called after an oaParasiticNetwork object is created. The application's derived observer class should implement this function to receive notification after an oaParasiticNetwork object is created.

pn pointer to the created oaParasiticNetwork object

void oaObserver<oaParasiticNetwork>::onPostLoad oaParasiticNetwork *    pn [virtual]

This observer function is called after an oaParasiticNetwork has been loaded. The application's derived class should implement this function to receive notification after an oaParasiticNetwork object has been loaded.

pn A pointer to the loaded oaParasiticNetwork object

void oaObserver<oaParasiticNetwork>::onPostModify oaParasiticNetwork *    pn,
oaParasiticNetworkModTypeEnum    modType

This function is called after an oaParasiticNetwork object has been modified. The application's derived class should implement this function to receive notification after an oaParasiticNetwork object has been modified.

pn A pointer to the modified oaParasiticNetwork object
modType The type of modification that was made

void oaObserver<oaParasiticNetwork>::onPreDestroy oaParasiticNetwork *    pn [virtual]

This function is called before an oaParasiticNetwork object is destroyed. The application's derived observer class should implement this function to receive notification when an oaParasiticNetwork object is about to be destroyed.

pn pointer to the oaParasiticNetwork object to be destroyed

void oaObserver<oaParasiticNetwork>::onPreModify oaParasiticNetwork *    pn,
oaParasiticNetworkModTypeEnum    modType

This function is called before an oaParasiticNetwork object is modified. The application's derived class should implement this function to receive notification when an oaParasiticNetwork object is about to be modified.

pn A pointer to the oaParasiticNetwork object to be modified
modType The type of modification to be made

void oaObserver<oaParasiticNetwork>::onPreUnload oaParasiticNetwork *    pn [virtual]

This observer function is called before an oaParasiticNetwork is unloaded. The application's derived class should implement this function to receive notification when an oaParasiticNetwork object is about to be unloaded.

pn A pointer to the oaParasiticNetwork object to be unloaded

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