oaOccVectorInst Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaOccVectorInst:

oaOccDesignInst oaOccInst oaOccObject oaDesignObject oaObject

Public Methods

oaVectorInstgetInst () const
oaModVectorInstgetModInst () const
oaOccVectorInstDefgetDef () const
oaUInt4 getStart () const
oaUInt4 getStop () const
oaOccVectorInstBitgetBit (oaUInt4 bitIndex) const
void getName (oaVectorName &name) const
void getPathName (oaVectorName &name) const
void getName (oaSimpleName &name) const
void getName (const oaNameSpace &ns, oaString &name) const
void getPathName (oaSimpleName &pathName) const
void getPathName (const oaNameSpace &ns, oaString &pathName) const

Static Public Methods

oaOccVectorInst * find (const oaOccurrence *occurrence, const oaScalarName &baseName, oaUInt4 start, oaUInt4 stop)

Detailed Description

The oaOccVectorInst class implements a occurrence vector instance in a occurrence hierarchy. A vector instance represents several copies of the instance master with a range of index numbers to differentiate them.

oaOccVectorInst objects are always in the occurrence domain.

Member Function Documentation

oaOccVectorInst * oaOccVectorInst::find const oaOccurrence *    occurrence,
const oaScalarName &    baseName,
oaUInt4    start,
oaUInt4    stop

This function searches the specified occurrence looking for a vectorInst with the specified baseName and range. If baseName is hierarchical, this function will descend into lower levels of occurrence hierarchy, expanding the hierarchy and binding the master designs as needed. The vectorInst is returned if found, otherwise NULL is returned.

occurrence The occurrence in which to search
baseName The base name of the instance to find
start The start bit index of the instance to find
stop The stop bit index of the instance to find
A pointer to the oaOccVectorInst

oaOccVectorInstBit * oaOccVectorInst::getBit oaUInt4    bitIndex const

This function returns a pointer to the vectorInstBit that corresponds to the specified bitIndex bit of this vectorInst. For example, if this is a vectorInst "i[7:0]" and bitIndex is zero, this function will return the vectorInstBit corresponding to "i[7]".

bitIndex Specifies which bit of the instance to return
A pointer to an oaOccVectorInstBit

oaOccVectorInstDef * oaOccVectorInst::getDef   const

This function returns the occurrence vectorInstDef for this occurrence vectorInst. The occurrence vectorInstDef is used to access all occurrence vectorInts with the same baseName.

A pointer to an oaOccVectorInstDef

oaVectorInst * oaOccVectorInst::getInst   const

This function returns the corresponding instance in the block domain. NULL will be returned if the master design for this instance does not have a top block.

A pointer to an oaVectorInst

Reimplemented from oaOccInst.

oaModVectorInst * oaOccVectorInst::getModInst   const

This function returns the corresponding instance in the module domain. NULL will be returned if this instance is an occurrence of a physical-only instance.

A pointer to an oaModVectorInst

Reimplemented from oaOccInst.

void oaOccInst::getName const oaNameSpace &    ns,
oaString &    name

This function fills out name with the name of this instance. The name is mapped according to the specified nameSpace.

ns The nameSpace used to map the name
name The returned instance name

void oaOccInst::getName oaSimpleName &    name const

This function fills out name with the name of this instance.

name The returned instance name

void oaOccVectorInst::getName oaVectorName &    name const

This function returns the name of this occVectorInst.

name The name of the occVectorInst to return

void oaOccInst::getPathName const oaNameSpace &    ns,
oaString &    pathName

This function returns the full path name of this instance in the specified nameSpace in the specified pathName string. The pathName is relative to the top occurrence in the occurrence hierarchy containing this instance.

ns The nameSpace in which to return the name
pathName The path name of the instance

void oaOccInst::getPathName oaSimpleName &    pathName const

This function fills out pathName with the full path name of this instance, relative to the top occurrence in the occurrence hierarchy containing this instance.

pathName The path name of the instance

void oaOccVectorInst::getPathName oaVectorName &    name const

This function returns the full path name of this instance, relative to the top occurrence in the occurrence hierarchy containing this instance.

name The pathName of the occVectorInst to return

oaUInt4 oaOccVectorInst::getStart   const

This function returns the start index of this occurrence vectorInst.

oaUInt4 oaOccVectorInst::getStop   const

This function returns the stop index of this occurrence vectorInst.

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