oaPathStyle Class Reference

Public Methods

 oaPathStyle (oaPathStyleEnum valueIn)
 oaPathStyle (const oaString &name)
 ~oaPathStyle ()
const oaStringgetName () const
 operator oaPathStyleEnum () const

Detailed Description

The oaPathStyle class is an enum wrapper class that describes the various end point styles of oaPath objects.

See Enum Wrappers in the Programmers Guide for a discussion of enum wrappers.

enum oaPathStyleEnum

Enumeration values:
oacTruncatePathStyle  "truncate"
This style results in no extension beyond the beginning and ending points for the oaPath
oacExtendPathStyle  "extend"
This style results in a one-half width extension beyond the beginning and ending points for the oaPath
oacRoundPathStyle  "round"
This style results in an octagonal extension with 3 edges which extend one-third the oaPath width
oacVariablePathStyle  "variable"
This style can have a beginning extension different from the ending extension. Only paths with this style may have a beginExt and endExt set.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

oaPathStyle::oaPathStyle oaPathStyleEnum    valueIn [inline]

This function constructs an instance of an oaPathStyle class using the specified oaPathStyleEnum value.

oaPathStyle::oaPathStyle const oaString &    name

This function constructs an instance of an oaPathStyle class using the oaPathStyleEnum associated with the specified string name. This name must be defined in the legal set of names associated with oaPathStyleEnum.


oaPathStyle::~oaPathStyle   [inline]

This function destroys this oaPathStyle class.

Member Function Documentation

const oaString & oaPathStyle::getName   const

This function returns the name string associated with the encapsulated oaPathStyleEnum object.

oaPathStyle::operator oaPathStyleEnum   const [inline]

This operator casts this oaPathStyle object into the corresponding oaPathStyleEnum value.

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