oaPcellDef Class Reference

Public Methods

 oaPcellDef (IPcell *pcellIn)
virtual ~oaPcellDef ()
IPcell * getIPcell () const
virtual oaBoolean addData (const oaString &name, const oaString &value)
virtual oaBoolean removeData (const oaString &name)
virtual oaBoolean getDataValue (const oaString &name, oaString &value)
virtual oaBoolean setDataValue (const oaString &name, const oaString &value)

Detailed Description

An oaPcellDef is a base class used to convey the binding from a Pcell to the code that handles its evaluation. The oaPcellDef refers to a Pcell evaluator that has an oaPcellLink in OpenAccess.

An oaPcellDef is used by oaDesign::defineSuperMaster() to turn an oaDesign into a SuperMaster. The oaPcellDef can be returned from that SuperMaster with oaDesign::getPcellDef().

The oaPcellDef class also provides a name/value table that the application can use to store user data.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

oaPcellDef::oaPcellDef IPcell *    linkIn

This is the constructor for oaPcellDef.

linkIn The Pcell evaluator for which this oaPcellDef is used.

oaPcellDef::~oaPcellDef   [virtual]

This function destroys this oaPcellDef instance.

Member Function Documentation

oaBoolean oaPcellDef::addData const oaString &    name,
const oaString &    value

This function adds an entry in the oaPcellDef data table. The function returns true if a new entry was added and false if the specified name already exists in the table.

name The name of the entry.
value The value of the entry.

oaBoolean oaPcellDef::getDataValue const oaString &    name,
oaString &    value

This function retrieves the value of the specified entry in the oaPcellDef data table. If an entry with the specified name is not found in the table, false is returned.

name The name of the entry whose value is requested.
value The value of the entry if found.

IPcell * oaPcellDef::getIPcell   const [inline]

This function returns the Pcell evaluator associated with this oaPcellDef.

oaBoolean oaPcellDef::removeData const oaString &    name [virtual]

This function removes an entry from the oaPcellDef data table.

name The name of the entry to remove.

oaBoolean oaPcellDef::setDataValue const oaString &    name,
const oaString &    value

This function sets the specified entry in the oaPcellDef data table with the given value. If an entry with the specified name is not found, false is returned.

name The name of the entry for which to set the value.
value The new value for the entry.

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