oaPinType Class Reference

Public Methods

 oaPinType (oaPinTypeEnum valueIn)
 oaPinType (const oaString &name)
 ~oaPinType ()
 operator oaPinTypeEnum () const
const oaStringgetName () const

Detailed Description

The oaPinType class is an enum wrapper class for oaPinTypeEnum values.

See Enum Wrappers in the Programmers Guide for a discussion of enum wrappers.

enum oaPinTypeEnum

Enumeration values:
oacNonePinType  "none"
oacCorePinType  "core"
oacBumpPinType  "bump"

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

oaPinType::oaPinType oaPinTypeEnum    valueIn

This oaPinType constructor version takes an oaPinType as input to support the class down-cast.


oaPinType::oaPinType const oaString &    name

This oaPinType constructor takes an string as input; if a matching name is not found, an exception is thrown.

name The string name of the oaPinTypeEnum value.


This is the destructor for the oaPinType object.

Member Function Documentation

const oaString & oaPinType::getName   const

This function returns the string name of the oaPinTypeEnum value from this oaPinType object.

oaPinType::operator oaPinTypeEnum   const

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