oaRouteMethod Class Reference

Public Methods

 oaRouteMethod (oaRouteMethodEnum valueIn)
 oaRouteMethod (const oaString &name)
 ~oaRouteMethod ()
const oaStringgetName ()
 operator oaRouteMethodEnum () const
const oaStringgetName () const

Detailed Description

The oaRouteMethod class is an enum wrapper that describes the different styles of routing that may be done to a given oaTerm or oaInstTerm. This may be used to control which router is used to route the connection. See oaBitTerm::getRouteMethod and oaInstTerm::getRouteMethod for its usage.

See Enum Wrappers in the Programmers Guide for a discussion of enum wrappers.

enum oaRouteMethodEnum

Enumeration values:
oacGeometricRouteMethod  "geometric" A geometric route should be used here. This is typically used for power ground and custom designed wiring.
oacSymbolicRouteMethod  "symbolic" A symbolic route should be used here. This is used for normal signal connections.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

oaRouteMethod::oaRouteMethod oaRouteMethodEnum    valueIn [inline]

This function constructs an instance of an oaRouteMethod class using the specified oaRouteMethodEnum value.

oaRouteMethod::oaRouteMethod const oaString &    name

This function constructs an instance of an oaRouteMethod class using the oaRouteMethodEnum associated with the specified string name. This name must be defined in the legal set of names associated with oaRouteMethodEnum.


oaRouteMethod::~oaRouteMethod   [inline]

This function destroys this oaRouteMethod class.

Member Function Documentation

const oaString & oaRouteMethod::getName   const

This function returns the string name that corresponds to an oaRouteMethodEnum value.

const oaString & oaRouteMethod::getName  

This function is deprecated. Use the const version of oaRouteMethod::getName instead.

This function returns the name string associated with the encapsulated oaRouteMethodEnum object.

oaRouteMethod::operator oaRouteMethodEnum   const [inline]

This operator casts this oaRouteMethod object into the corresponding oaRouteMethodEnum value.

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