oaTextDisplay Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaTextDisplay:

oaShape oaPinFig oaConnFig oaFig oaBlockObject oaDesignObject oaObject oaAttrDisplay oaInstAttrDisplay oaInstPropDisplay oaPropDisplay oaTextOverride

Public Methods

void getOrigin (oaPoint &origin) const
oaTextAlign getAlignment () const
oaOrient getOrient () const
oaFont getFont () const
oaDist getHeight () const
oaTextDisplayFormat getFormat () const
oaBoolean hasOverbar () const
oaBoolean isVisible () const
oaBoolean isDrafting () const
void getText (oaString &text) const
void setOrigin (const oaPoint &origin)
void setAlignment (oaTextAlign alignment)
void setOrient (oaOrient orient)
void setFont (oaFont font)
void setHeight (oaDist height)
void setFormat (oaTextDisplayFormat format)
void setOverbar (oaBoolean overbar)
void setVisible (oaBoolean visible)
void setDrafting (oaBoolean drafting)

Static Public Methods

oaTextDisplayCollection getTextDisplays (const oaObject *object)

Detailed Description

This class is the base class for all types of textDisplay shapes. The textDisplay shapes are associated with other design objects so that graphical applications can display text strings representing attributes and properties of the associated object.

Member Function Documentation

oaTextAlign oaTextDisplay::getAlignment   const

This function returns the alignment of this textDisplay object.

oaFont oaTextDisplay::getFont   const

This function returns the font of this textDisplay object.

oaTextDisplayFormat oaTextDisplay::getFormat   const

This function returns the format of this textDisplay object. The format determines the value (the text string) this textDisplay presents upon request.

oaUInt4 oaTextDisplay::getHeight   const

This function returns the height of this textDisplay object.

oaOrient oaTextDisplay::getOrient   const

This function returns the orientation of this textDisplay object.

void oaTextDisplay::getOrigin oaPoint &    origin const

This function returns the origin of this textDisplay object.

void oaTextDisplay::getText oaString &    text const

This function returns the value of this textDisplay object. The text String is evaluated if necessary.

oaTextDisplayCollection oaTextDisplay::getTextDisplays const oaObject *    object [static]

This function returns a collection of textDisplays for the specified object.

oaBoolean oaTextDisplay::hasOverbar   const

This function returns a boolean value that indicates if this textDisplay has an overbar on it.

oaBoolean oaTextDisplay::isDrafting   const

This function returns a boolean value that indicates if this textDisplay displays in drafting style.

oaBoolean oaTextDisplay::isVisible   const

This function returns a boolean value that indicates if this textDisplay displays.

void oaTextDisplay::setAlignment oaTextAlign    alignment

This function sets the alignment for this textDisplay object to the specified value.

void oaTextDisplay::setDrafting oaBoolean    drafting

This function sets the flag that indicates if this textDisplay object displays in drafting mode.

void oaTextDisplay::setFont oaFont    font

This function sets the font used by this textDisplay object.

void oaTextDisplay::setFormat oaTextDisplayFormat    format

This function sets the format of this textDisplay object to the specified value.

void oaTextDisplay::setHeight oaDist    height

This function sets the height of this textDisplay object to the specified value.

void oaTextDisplay::setOrient oaOrient    orient

This function sets the orientation for this textDisplay object to the specified value.

void oaTextDisplay::setOrigin const oaPoint &    origin

This function sets the origin for this textDisplay object to the specified value.

void oaTextDisplay::setOverbar oaBoolean    overbar

This function sets the flag that indicates if this textDisplay object displays with an overbar.

void oaTextDisplay::setVisible oaBoolean    visible

This function sets the flag that indicates if this textDisplay object is visible.

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