oaTextLink Class Reference

Static Public Methods

void setIText (const oaString &name)
void setIText (IText *textComponentIn)
void reset (IText *textComponentIn)
SRef< IText > getIText ()

Detailed Description

The oaTextLink class is used to initialize a component that implements the IText interface to create a text bBox calculator. The interface can be implemented as an in-memory component or as a plug-in.

For more information, refer to How to Write a Plug-in to Calculate Bounding Boxes for Text in the Programmers Guide.

Member Function Documentation

SRef< IText > oaTextLink::getIText   [static]

OpenAccess uses this function to get the plug-in component for the IText interface. If a component is not already registered, this function loads the default plug-in.

oacFailedToGetTextPlugIn The default plug-in could not be loaded.

void oaTextLink::reset IText *    textComponentIn [static]

void oaTextLink::setIText IText *    textComponentIn [static]

This function initializes an in-memory text bBox calculator component. If a component is already initialized, an oacTextLinkAlreadyInitialized exception is thrown.

textComponentIn Pointer to an in-memory text bBox calculator component.
oacTextLinkAlreadyInitialized A text plug-in is already initialized

void oaTextLink::setIText const oaString &    name [static]

This function initializes a text bBox calculator plug-in with the specified name. If a plug-in is already initialized with a different name, an oacTextLinkAlreadyInitialized exception is thrown.

name Name of the plug-in.
oacTextLinkAlreadyInitialized A text plug-in is already initialized

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