oaDesignDBTypes.h File Reference

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class  oaDesignDataType


#define oaDesignDBTypes_P
#define oavNumDesignDataTypes   81
#define oavNumNewDesignDataTypes   8


enum  oaDesignDataTypeEnum {
  oacDesignDataType = UINT_MAX, oacAppObjectDataType = UINT_MAX - 1, oacOccNetDataType = UINT_MAX - 2, oacOccBusNetDefDataType = UINT_MAX - 3,
  oacOccTermDataType = UINT_MAX - 4, oacOccBusTermDefDataType = UINT_MAX - 5, oacOccInstHeaderDataType = UINT_MAX - 6, oacOccModuleInstHeaderDataType = UINT_MAX - 7,
  oacOccInstDataType = UINT_MAX - 8, oacOccVectorInstDefDataType = UINT_MAX - 9, oacOccInstTermDataType = UINT_MAX - 10, oacOccConnectDefDataType = UINT_MAX - 11,
  oacOccAssignmentDataType = UINT_MAX - 12, oacOccOccurrenceDataType = UINT_MAX - 13, oacPropDataType = 0, oacGroupDataType = 1,
  oacGroupMemDataType = 2, oacAvatarDataType = 3, oacValueDataType = 4, oacConstraintParamDefDataType = 5,
  oacConstraintParamDataType = 6, oacConstraintDefDataType = 7, oacConstraintDataType = 8, oacConstraintGroupDataType = 9,
  oacConstraintGroupMemDataType = 10, oacConstraintGroupHeaderDataType = 11, oacNetDataType = 12, oacBusNetDefDataType = 13,
  oacTermDataType = 14, oacBusTermDefDataType = 15, oacInstHeaderDataType = 16, oacModuleInstHeaderDataType = 17,
  oacInstDataType = 18, oacVectorInstDefDataType = 19, oacInstTermDataType = 20, oacConnectDefDataType = 21,
  oacAssignmentDataType = 22, oacOccurrenceDataType = 23, oacLPPHeaderDataType = 24, oacLayerHeaderDataType = 25,
  oacShapeDataType = 26, oacRouteDataType = 27, oacPinDataType = 28, oacTDLinkDataType = 29,
  oacDesignParamDataType = 30, oacMarkerDataType = 31, oacTrackPatternDataType = 32, oacMarkerMemDataType = 33,
  oacRowHeaderDataType = 34, oacRowDataType = 35, oacClusterDataType = 36, oacBoundaryDataType = 37,
  oacSteinerDataType = 38, oacScanChainDataType = 39, oacScanChainInstDataType = 40, oacScanChainSetDataType = 41,
  oacViaHeaderDataType = 42, oacGCellPatternDataType = 43, oacCMapDataType = 44, oacCMapLPDataType = 45,
  oacGCellDataType = 46, oacDesignViaParamDataType = 47, oacAnalysisPointDataType = 48, oacAnalysisOpPointDataType = 49,
  oacOpPointHeaderDataType = 50, oacBlockageDataType = 51, oacGuideDataType = 52, oacParasiticNetworkDataType = 53,
  oacNodeDataType = 54, oacDeviceDataType = 55, oacSubNetworkDataType = 56, oacSubNetworkMemDataType = 57,
  oacReducedModelDataType = 58, oacElmoreDataType = 59, oacPoleResidueDataType = 60, oacBlockDataType = 61,
  oacModuleDataType = 62, oacOccHeaderDataType = 63, oacViaDataType = 64, oacSegStyleDataType = 65,
  oacOccShapeDataType = 66, oacHierPathDataType = 67, oacAnalysisPtSetDataType = 68, oacDetailedNetworkDataType = 69,
  oacGlobalDataType = 70, oacGlobalMemDataType = 71, oacOccGlobalMemDataType = 72, oacFeatureDataType = 73,
  oacFeaturePolicyDataType = 74, oacFigGroupDataType = 75, oacFigGroupMemDataType = 76, oacGroupDefDataType = 77,
  oacConstraintGroupDefDataType = 78, oacDesignViaVariantDataType = 79, oacDesignViaVariantHeaderDataType = 80


OA_DESIGN_DLL_API void oaDesignInit (oaUInt4 apiMajorRev=oacAPIMajorRevNumber, oaUInt4 apiMinorRev=oacAPIMinorRevNumber)
OA_DESIGN_DLL_API void oaDesignInit (oaUInt4 apiMajorRev, oaUInt4 apiMinorRev, oaUInt4 dataModelRev)

Define Documentation



#define oaDesignDBTypes_P

#define oavNumDesignDataTypes   81

#define oavNumNewDesignDataTypes   8

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum oaDesignDataTypeEnum

Enumeration values:
oacDesignDataType  "designDataType"
oacAppObjectDataType  "appObjectDataType"
oacOccNetDataType  "occNetDataType"
oacOccBusNetDefDataType  "occBusNetDefDataType"
oacOccTermDataType  "occTermDataType"
oacOccBusTermDefDataType  "occBusTermDefDataType"
oacOccInstHeaderDataType  "occInstHeaderDataType"
oacOccModuleInstHeaderDataType  "occModuleInstHeaderDataType"
oacOccInstDataType  "occInstDataType"
oacOccVectorInstDefDataType  "occVectorInstDefDataType"
oacOccInstTermDataType  "occInstTermDataType"
oacOccConnectDefDataType  "occConnectDefDataType"
oacOccAssignmentDataType  "occAssignmentDataType"
oacOccOccurrenceDataType  "occOccurrenceDataType"
oacPropDataType  "propDataType"
oacGroupDataType  "groupDataType"
oacGroupMemDataType  "groupMemDataType"
oacValueDataType  "valueDataType"
oacConstraintParamDefDataType  "constraintParamDefDataType"
oacConstraintParamDataType  "constraintParamDataType"
oacConstraintDefDataType  "constraintDefDataType"
oacConstraintDataType  "constraintDataType"
oacConstraintGroupDataType  "constraintGroupDataType"
oacConstraintGroupMemDataType  "constraintGroupMemDataType"
oacConstraintGroupHeaderDataType  "constraintGroupHeaderDataType"
oacNetDataType  "netDataType"
oacBusNetDefDataType  "busNetDefDataType"
oacTermDataType  "termDataType"
oacBusTermDefDataType  "busTermDefDataType"
oacInstHeaderDataType  "instHeaderDataType"
oacModuleInstHeaderDataType  "moduleInstHeaderDataType"
oacInstDataType  "instDataType"
oacVectorInstDefDataType  "vectorInstDefDataType"
oacInstTermDataType  "instTermDataType"
oacConnectDefDataType  "connectDefDataType"
oacAssignmentDataType  "assignmentDataType"
oacOccurrenceDataType  "occurrenceDataType"
oacLPPHeaderDataType  "LPPHeaderDataType"
oacLayerHeaderDataType  "layerHeaderDataType"
oacShapeDataType  "shapeDataType"
oacRouteDataType  "routeDataType"
oacPinDataType  "pinDataType"
oacTDLinkDataType  "TDLinkDataType"
oacDesignParamDataType  "paramDataType"
oacMarkerDataType  "markerDataType"
oacTrackPatternDataType  "trackPatternDataType"
oacRowHeaderDataType  "rowHeaderDataType"
oacRowDataType  "rowDataType"
oacClusterDataType  "clusterDataType"
oacBoundaryDataType  "boundaryDataType"
oacSteinerDataType  "steinerDataType"
oacScanChainDataType  "scanChainDataType"
oacScanChainInstDataType  "scanChainInstDataType"
oacScanChainSetDataType  "scanChainSetDataType"
oacViaHeaderDataType  "viaHeaderDataType"
oacGCellPatternDataType  "gCellPatternDataType"
oacCMapDataType  "cMapDataType"
oacCMapLPDataType  "cMapLPDataType"
oacGCellDataType  "gCellDataType"
oacDesignViaParamDataType  "viaParamDataType"
oacAnalysisPointDataType  "analysisPointDataType"
oacAnalysisOpPointDataType  "analysisOpPointDataType"
oacOpPointHeaderDataType  "opPointHeaderDataType"
oacBlockageDataType  "blockageDataType"
oacGuideDataType  "guideDataType"
oacParasiticNetworkDataType  "parasiticNetworkDataType"
oacNodeDataType  "nodeDataType"
oacDeviceDataType  "deviceDataType"
oacSubNetworkDataType  "subNetworkDataType"
oacSubNetworkMemDataType  "subNetworkMemDataType"
oacReducedModelDataType  "reducedModelDataType"
oacElmoreDataType  "elmoreDataType"
oacPoleResidueDataType  "poleResidueDataType"
oacBlockDataType  "blockDataType"
oacModuleDataType  "moduleDataType"
oacOccHeaderDataType  "occHeaderDataType"
oacViaDataType  "viaDataType"
oacSegStyleDataType  "segStyleDataType"
oacOccShapeDataType  "occShapeDataType"
oacHierPathDataType  "hierPathDataType"
oacAnalysisPtSetDataType  "analysisPtSetDataType"
oacDetailedNetworkDataType  "detailedNetworkDataType"
oacGlobalDataType  "globalDataType"
oacGlobalMemDataType  "globalMemDataType"
oacOccGlobalMemDataType  "occGlobalMemDataType"
oacFeatureDataType  "featureDataType"
oacFeaturePolicyDataType  "featurePolicyDataType"
oacFigGroupDataType  "figGroupDataType"
oacFigGroupMemDataType  "figGroupMemDataType"
oacGroupDefDataType  "groupDefDataType"
oacConstraintGroupDefDataType  "constraintGroupDefDataType"
oacDesignViaVariantDataType  "viaVariantDataType"
oacDesignViaVariantHeaderDataType  "viaVariantHeaderDataType"

Function Documentation

void oaDesignInit oaUInt4    apiMajorRev,
oaUInt4    apiMinorRev,
oaUInt4    dataModelRev

This function initializes the oaDesign package. Use this function if your application uses the design database. This function automatically initializes the Tech and DM packages on which it depends.

This function lets calling functions specify the API revisions and the data model revision that they support. Refer to Compatibility for OpenAccess Applications and Data in the Programmers Guide for more information about API revisions and data model revisions.

A (const char*) exception is thrown if the OpenAccess shared library liboaBase.so cannot be loaded.

apiMajorRev Specifies the major revision of the OpenAccess shared libraries that were used to compile the application. Typically, this should be set to
to indicate that the application uses the version number from the current version of OpenAccess.
apiMinorRev Specifies the minor revision of the OpenAccess shared libraries that were used to compile the application. Typically, this should be set to
to indicate that the application uses the version number from the current version of OpenAccess.
dataModelRev Specifies the version of the OpenAccess data model that is supported. Applications should explicitly specify this argument to indicate the OpenAccess features that they support. For information about the OpenAccess features that are available in a particular dataModelRev, refer to the OpenAccess 2.2 Feature List.
oacInvalidMajorAPIRev The major revision number of the OpenAccess shared libraries that were used to compile the application does not match the major revision number of the OpenAccess shared libraries that the application is running against.
oacInvalidAPIRev The minor revision number of the OpenAccess shared libraries that were used to compile the application is higher than the minor revision number of the OpenAccess shared libraries that the application is running against.
oacInvalidDataModelRev The application revision number passed to this function is higher than the data model supported by the OpenAccess shared libraries that the application is running against.
oacInconsistentDataModelRev The data model revision numbers among the components of the caller's application are not consistent.

void oaDesignInit oaUInt4    apiMajorRev = oacAPIMajorRevNumber,
oaUInt4    apiMinorRev = oacAPIMinorRevNumber

Important: This function is deprecated and is retained to ensure compatibility with previous versions of OpenAccess. Use the oaDesignInit overload that accepts the dataModelRev argument instead.

This deprecated function initializes the oaDesign package. Use this function if your application uses the design database. This function automatically initializes the Tech and DM packages on which it depends.

This deprecated version of oaDesignInit does not include the dataModelRev argument, which lets an application specify the data model revision that it supports. Refer to Feature-Based Data Compatibility in Compatibility for OpenAccess Applications and Data in the Programmers Guide for details about how OpenAccess handles this deprecated function.

apiMajorRev Do not supply -- defaulted by compiler
apiMinorRev Do not supply -- defaulted by compiler
oacInvalidMajorAPIRev The major revision number of the OpenAccess shared libraries that were used to compile the application does not match the major revision number of the OpenAccess shared libraries that the application is running against.
oacInvalidAPIRev The minor revision number of the OpenAccess shared libraries that were used to compile the application is higher than the minor revision number of the OpenAccess shared libraries that the application is running against.

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