oaFig.h File Reference

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class  oaConnFig
class  oaFig
class  oaPinFig
class  oaRouteStatus
class  oaRouteTopology
class  oaTraits< oaConnFig >
class  oaTraits< oaFig >
class  oaTraits< oaPinFig >


#define oaFig_P
#define oavNumRouteStatusTypes   3
#define oavNumRouteTopologyEnums   9


enum  oaRouteStatusEnum { oacNormalRouteStatus = 0, oacFixedRouteStatus = 1, oacLockedRouteStatus = 2 }
enum  oaRouteTopologyEnum {
  oacNoneRouteTopology = 0, oacStripeRouteTopology = 1, oacStandardCellWireRouteTopology = 2, oacIOWireRouteTopology = 3,
  oacBlockWireRouteTopology = 4, oacRingRouteTopology = 5, oacPadRingRouteTopology = 6, oacBlockRingRouteTopology = 7,
  oacCoreWireRouteTopology = 8

Define Documentation

#define oaFig_P

#define oavNumRouteStatusTypes   3

#define oavNumRouteTopologyEnums   9

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum oaRouteStatusEnum

Enumeration values:
oacNormalRouteStatus  "normal"
This value indicates the normal routing status.
oacFixedRouteStatus  "fixed"
This value indicates the automatic tools should not edit this route but that this route can be hand-edited
oacLockedRouteStatus  "locked"
This value indicates this route should not be edited by hand or by the automatic tools; it is part of the base array

enum oaRouteTopologyEnum

Enumeration values:
oacNoneRouteTopology  "none"
oacStripeRouteTopology  "stripe"
oacStandardCellWireRouteTopology  "standardCellWire"
oacIOWireRouteTopology  "IOWire"
oacBlockWireRouteTopology  "blockWire"
oacRingRouteTopology  "ring"
oacPadRingRouteTopology  "padRing"
oacBlockRingRouteTopology  "blockRing"
oacCoreWireRouteTopology  "coreWire"

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