oaCellView Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaCellView:

oaDMContainer oaDMObject oaObject

Public Methods

void destroy ()
oaCellgetCell () const
oaViewgetView () const
oaDMFilegetPrimary () const
void setView (const oaView *view)
void setView (const oaView *view, oaBoolean mustExist)

Static Public Methods

oaCellView * find (const oaCell *cell, const oaView *view)
oaCellView * find (const oaLib *lib, const oaScalarName &cellName, const oaScalarName &viewName)
oaCellView * get (const oaCell *cell, const oaView *view)
oaCellView * get (const oaLib *lib, const oaScalarName &cellName, const oaScalarName &viewName, const oaViewType *viewType)

Public Types

enum  { dtIndex = oacCellViewDataType }

Detailed Description

The oaCellView class implements an OpenAccess library cellView file object.

The oaCellView class can be observed by deriving from oaObserver<oaCellView>.

Note: The oaCellView function descriptions indicate if library access is required for the called function. If the access type must be write access, this requirement also is noted.

For more information on library access, see Library Access in the detailed description for oaLib and OpenAccess 2.2 Libraries and Design Management in the Programmers Guide.

Member Function Documentation

void oaCellView::destroy  

This function destroys the this oaCellView.

Note: If you want to destroy a cellView and its related design, first purge the design to remove it from memory.

This function requires write access to the library associated with this object (through a call to oaLib::getAccess). An oacLibAccessDenied exception is thrown if write access to the library does not exist.

For more information on library access, see Library Access in the detailed description for oaLib and OpenAccess 2.2 Libraries and Design Management in the Programmers Guide.


oaCellView * oaCellView::find const oaLib *    lib,
const oaScalarName &    cellName,
const oaScalarName &    viewName

This functions finds and returns a pointer to the cellView specified by the cell and view names. If not found, NULL is returned.

This function requires access to the library associated with this object (through a call to oaLib::getAccess). An oacLibAccessDenied exception is thrown if access to the library does not exist.

For more information on library access, see Library Access in the detailed description for oaLib and OpenAccess 2.2 Libraries and Design Management in the Programmers Guide.

lib pointer to owning lib for the cellView to be found
cellName name of owning cell for the cellView to be found
viewName name of owning view for the cellView to be found

oaCellView * oaCellView::find const oaCell *    cell,
const oaView *    view

This function finds and returns a pointer to the specified cellView. An exception is thrown if the specified cell and view are not in the same library. If not found, NULL is returned.

This function requires access to the library associated with this object (through a call to oaLib::getAccess). An oacLibAccessDenied exception is thrown if access to the library does not exist.

For more information on library access, see Library Access in the detailed description for oaLib and OpenAccess 2.2 Libraries and Design Management in the Programmers Guide.

cell pointer to the owning cell for the cellView to be found
view pointer to the owning view for the cellview to be found

oaCellView * oaCellView::get const oaLib *    lib,
const oaScalarName &    cellName,
const oaScalarName &    viewName,
const oaViewType *    viewType

This function attempts to find and return the cellView specified by lib, cellName, viewName and viewType. If it cannot be found, an attempt is made to create the cellView while creating any missing cell and view owners. Proper library write access is required for the creation to be successful and an exception is thrown if this is not the case. If successful, a pointer to an oaCellView object is returned.

lib A pointer to the oaLib object representing the library
cellName A constant reference to an oaScalarName object holding the name of the cell
viewName A constant reference to an oaScalarName object holding the name of the view
viewType A pointer to a constant viewType object specifying the type of view to obtain

oaCellView * oaCellView::get const oaCell *    cell,
const oaView *    view

This function finds and returns the cellView with the specified cell and view if it exists. If not found, it is created, and a pointer to the new cellView is returned. An exception is thrown if the specified cell and view are not in the same library. When a new cellview is created, a new dmFile as the primary of that cellview will be automatically created after that cellview itself is created. The users will get the postCreate callback on the cellview, followed by the postCreate callback on the primary file.

This function requires write access to the library associated with this object (through a call to oaLib::getAccess). An oacLibAccessDenied exception is thrown if the write access to the library does not exist.

For more information on library access, see Library Access in the detailed description for oaLib and OpenAccess 2.2 Libraries and Design Management in the Programmers Guide.


oaCell * oaCellView::getCell   const

This function returns a pointer to the cell for this cellView.

This function requires access to the library associated with this object (through a call to oaLib::getAccess). An oacLibAccessDenied exception is thrown if access to the library does not exist.

For more information on library access, see Library Access in the detailed description for oaLib and OpenAccess 2.2 Libraries and Design Management in the Programmers Guide.


oaDMFile * oaCellView::getPrimary   const

This function returns the primary file for this cellView.

This function requires access to the library associated with this object (through a call to oaLib::getAccess). An oacLibAccessDenied exception is thrown if access to the library does not exist.

For more information on library access, see Library Access in the detailed description for oaLib and OpenAccess 2.2 Libraries and Design Management in the Programmers Guide.


oaView * oaCellView::getView   const

This function returns a pointer to the view for this cellView.

This function requires access to the library associated with this object (through a call to oaLib::getAccess). An oacLibAccessDenied exception is thrown if access to the library does not exist.

For more information on library access, see Library Access in the detailed description for oaLib and OpenAccess 2.2 Libraries and Design Management in the Programmers Guide.


void oaCellView::setView const oaView *    view,
oaBoolean    mustExist

This function modifies this cellView by associating it with the specified view.

If mustExist is false, this version of the function operates the same as the version of this function that does not include the mustExist argument - the view is changed, and the primary data is renamed (see oaCellView::setView).

If the mustExist is true, this version of the function assumes that the cellView already contains the appropriate type of data but that it is not currently marked as the primary data for the cellView. This function makes this data the primary data. The original data is left in the cellView as non-primary data.

Note: Two setView functions (with and without the mustExist argument) have been implemented in the current release to maintain drop-in compatibility. These two functions will be merged together at a later date.

An oacCVSetViewPrimaryFileLocked exception is thrown if the primary file cannot be write-locked by the current process -- for example, because it is locked by another process.

New: An oacCVSetViewPrimaryFileDoesNotExist exception is thrown if the file that corresponds to the new viewType does not exist in the cellView.

This function requires write access to the library associated with this object (through a call to oaLib::getAccess). An oacLibAccessDenied exception is thrown if write access to the library does not exist.

For more information on library access, see Library Access in the detailed description for oaLib and OpenAccess 2.2 Libraries and Design Management in the Programmers Guide.

view input parameter - pointer to the view to set for this cellView
mustExist- boolean which should set to true in this version of the function

void oaCellView::setView const oaView *    view

This function modifies this cellView by associating it with the specified view.

When using this version of the function, the existing primary data will be renamed to be of the appropriate type. An oacCVSetViewPrimaryFileExists exception will be thrown if the non-primary data of the specified type already exists in the cellView.

Note: Two setView functions (with and without the mustExist argument) have been implemented in the current release to maintain drop-in compatibility. These two functions will be merged together at a later date.

An oacCVExists exception is thrown if another cellView (a cellView other than this cellView) already exists with the cellName and viewName that this function is to set on this cellView.

An oacCVSetViewPrimaryFileExists exception is thrown if a file already exists in the cellView with the same name to which the primary file is to be renamed.

An oacCVSetViewPrimaryFileLocked exception is thrown if the primary file cannot be write-locked by the current process -- for example, because it is locked by another process.

This function requires write access to the library associated with this object (through a call to oaLib::getAccess). An oacLibAccessDenied exception is thrown if write access to the library does not exist.

For more information on library access, see Library Access in the detailed description for oaLib and OpenAccess 2.2 Libraries and Design Management in the Programmers Guide.

view input parameter - pointer to the view to set for this cellView

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Enumeration values:

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