oaReservedViewType Class Reference

Public Methods

 oaReservedViewType (oaReservedViewTypeEnum valueIn)
 oaReservedViewType (const oaString &name)
 ~oaReservedViewType ()
const oaStringgetName () const
 operator oaReservedViewTypeEnum () const

Detailed Description

The oaReservedViewType class is enum wrapper class that encapsulates oaReservedViewTypeEnum values.

See Enum Wrappers in the Programmers Guide for a discussion of enum wrappers.

enum oaReservedViewTypeEnum

Enumeration values:
oacMaskLayout  "maskLayout" - used to open a design database
oacSchematic  "schematic" - used to open a design database
oacSchematicSymbol  "schematicSymbol" - used to open a design database
oacNetlist  "netlist" - used to open a design database
oacWafer  "wafer"- used to open a wafer database
oacVerilogAMSText  "verilogAMSText" - external viewType - no corresponding OpenAccess database representation
oacVHDLAMSText  "VHDLAMSText" - external viewType - no corresponding OpenAccess database representation
oacVerilogText  "verilogText" - external viewType - no corresponding OpenAccess database representation
oacVHDLText  "VHDLText" - external viewType - no corresponding OpenAccess database representation
oacVerilogAText  "verilogAText" - external viewType - no corresponding OpenAccess database representation
oacHierDesign  "oaHierDesign" - used to open a design database
oacSystemVerilogText  "systemVerilogText" - external viewType - no corresponding OpenAccess database representation
oacSPECTREText  "SPECTREText" - external viewType - no corresponding OpenAccess database representation
oacSPICEText  "SPICEText" - external viewType - no corresponding OpenAccess database representation
oacHSPICEText  "HSPICEText" - external viewType - no corresponding OpenAccess database representation
oacCDLText  "CDLText" - external viewType - no corresponding OpenAccess database representation

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

oaReservedViewType::oaReservedViewType oaReservedViewTypeEnum    valueIn [inline]

This oaReservedViewType constructor takes an oaReservedViewTypeEnum value as input.

valueIn a oaReservedViewTypeEnum value

oaReservedViewType::oaReservedViewType const oaString &    name

This oaReservedViewType constructor takes an oaReservedViewTypeEnum oaString name as input.

name the name associated with the oaReservedViewTypeEnum value to set on the constructed oaReservedViewType object

oaReservedViewType::~oaReservedViewType   [inline]

This function is the oaReservedViewType destructor.

Member Function Documentation

const oaString & oaReservedViewType::getName   const

This function returns the name of the oaReservedViewTypeEnum value set on this oaReservedViewType wrapper object.

oaReservedViewType::operator oaReservedViewTypeEnum   const [inline]

This operator casts this oaReservedViewType object into its corresponding oaReservedViewTypeEnum value.

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