oaVCCap Class Reference

Public Methods

 oaVCCap (oaVCCapEnum valueIn)
 oaVCCap (const oaString &name)
 ~oaVCCap ()
const oaStringgetName () const
 operator oaVCCapEnum () const

Detailed Description

The oaVCCap wrapper class implements an enumerated use type for oaVCCapEnum values, which describe the different capabilities of a version control system.

enum oaVCCapEnum

This enumeration represents all the version control capabilities that the OpenAccess DM implementation requires. This list can grow, but existing values will never change. Implementors must be able to respond to values of this enum that are not in existence at the time the code is compiled. The safest approach is to return false in this case, usually in the default section of a switch statement.

Enumeration values:
oacCommitMayChangeFilesVCCap  "commitMayChangeFiles" A true result when this capability is queried indicates that the contents of controlled files may change when a commit operation is issued.
oacHasVersionsVCCap  "hasVersions" This capability indicates that the current VC system can keep track of multiple version of a file. A false response indicates that only the last version of a file is maintained in the VC repository.
oacSupportsGetStatusVCCap  "supportsGetStatus" This capability represents whether the VC system supports the getStatus funtions.
oacSupportsGetControlledObjectsVCCap  "supportsGetControlledObjects" This capability represents whether the VC system supports the getControlledObjects function.
oacSupportsGetControlledLibsVCCap  "supportsGetControlledLibs" This capability represents whether the VC system supports the getControlledLibs function.
oacSupportsGetVersionsVCCap  "supportsGetVersions" This capability represents whether the VC system supports the getVersions function.
oacSupportsGetWorkingVersionVCCap  "supportsGetWorkingVersion" This capability represents whether the VC system supports the getWorkingVersion function.
oacSupportsGetWorkingVersionsVCCap  "supportsGetWorkingVersions" This capability represents whether the VC system supports the getWorkingVersions function.
oacSupportsUpdateVCCap  "supportsUpdate" This capability represents whether the VC system supports the update function.
oacSupportsMakeEditableVCCap  "supportsMakeEditable" This capability represents whether the VC system supports the makeEditable function.
oacSupportsLockVCCap  "supportsLock" This capability represents whether the VC system supports locking of check-outs from the repository.
oacSupportsCancelEditVCCap  "supportsCancelEdit" This capability represents whether the VC system supports the cancelEdit function.
oacSupportsCommitEditsVCCap  "supportsCommitEdits" This capability represents whether the VC system supports the commitEdits function.
oacSupportsSetControlledVCCap  "supportsSetControlled" This capability represents whether the VC system supports the setControlled function.
oacSupportsUnSetControlledVCCap  "supportsUnSetControlled" This capability represents whether the VC system supports the unSetControlled function.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

oaVCCap::oaVCCap oaVCCapEnum    valueIn [inline]

This constructor for the oaVCCap class takes an oaVCCapEnum value.

valueIn the oaVCCapEnum value to set on the constructed oaVCCap object

oaVCCap::oaVCCap const oaString &    name

This oaVCCap constructor takes an oaVCCapEnum oaString name as input.

name the name associated with the oaVCCapEnum value to set on the constructed oaVCCap object

oaVCCap::~oaVCCap   [inline]

This function is the oaVCCap destructor.

Member Function Documentation

const oaString & oaVCCap::getName   const

This function returns the name of the oaVCCapEnum value set on this oaVCCap wrapper object.

oaVCCap::operator oaVCCapEnum   const [inline]

This operator casts this oaVCCap object into the oaVCCapEnum value set on this oaVCCap object.

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