oaVCObserver Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaVCObserver:


Public Methods

 oaVCObserver (oaUInt4 priorityIn, oaBoolean enabledIn=true)
virtual ~oaVCObserver ()
virtual void onVCPlugInLoad (const oaString &plugInName)
virtual oaVCObserverResult onVCMessageOut (const oaString &plugInName, oaDMObject *object, oaVCOperation operation, oaVCMessageType msgType, const oaString &text)


class oaVCObserverCollectionPvt

Detailed Description

The oaVCObserver class is a base class for version control (VC) observers. It supports onVCPlugInLoad and onVCMessageOut event notifications.

See oaObserver for information on using Open Access observer classes to derive and instantiate observers in an application.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

oaVCObserver::oaVCObserver oaUInt4    priorityIn,
oaBoolean    enabledIn = true

This is the oaVCObserver constructor. If multiple observers exist for a given notification event, observers with a lower priorityIn value are called before those with a higher value.

priorityIn priority of this observer relative to other oaVCObservers
enabledIn Determines whether this observer is called when an observed event occurs

virtual oaVCObserver::~oaVCObserver   [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

oaVCObserverResult oaVCObserver::onVCMessageOut const oaString &    plugInName,
oaDMObject *    object,
oaVCOperation    operation,
oaVCMessageType    msgType,
const oaString &    text

This observer function is called after a version control message has been output to a plugin. The application's derived class should implement this function to receive notification and message information after a version control message has been output.

plugInName name of the plug in that was sent the message
object the object that the message corresponds to.
operation the version control operation that was in effect when this message was generated
msgType version control message type
text the output message string
oaVCObserverResult this result is used for messages of oacVCMsgTypeQueryOk. For messages of this type, observers have the opportunity to respond with "ok" or "abort" (see oaVCObserverResultEnum).

void oaVCObserver::onVCPlugInLoad const oaString &    plugInName [virtual]

This observer function is called after a version control plugin has been loaded. The application's derived class should implement this function to receive notification after a version control plugin has been loaded.

plugInName name of the loaded version control plugin

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class oaVCObserverCollectionPvt [friend]

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