oaVCQueryDepth Class Reference

Public Methods

 oaVCQueryDepth (oaVCQueryDepthEnum valueIn)
 oaVCQueryDepth (const oaString &name)
 ~oaVCQueryDepth ()
const oaStringgetName () const
 operator oaVCQueryDepthEnum () const

Detailed Description

The oaVCQueryDepth class is an enum wrapper class for oaVCQueryDepthEnum values, which describe the depth that certain query functions should go down the library hierarchy. The oaVCQueryDepthEnum value meanings are as follows:

oacFileVCQueryDepth: query only the immediate children files of this container

oacCellVCQueryDepth: stop the query at the Cell level, not including "cell files"

oacViewVCQueryDepth: stop the query at the View level, not including "view files"

oacCellViewVCQueryDepth: stop the query at the CellView level, not including "cellView" files

oacCellViewFileVCQueryDepth: stop the query at the CellView file level. This is currently the lowest level

enum oaVCQueryDepthEnum

This enumeration represents the depth to which the getControlledObjects function goes in responding to the call. If the object that this depth applies to is an IDMLib, all values of depth are valid. In this case, if the value oacCellVCQueryDepth is passed in, the resulting collection of IDMObjects will contain only the cells in the current library that are controlled by this VC system. The value oacFileVCQueryDepth represents the files that are found at the container level (for example Lib files), while the value oacCellViewFileVCQueryDepth means go to the bottom-most file depth.

Enumeration values:
oacFileVCQueryDepth  "fileDepth" This depth represents the imediate child files of this container -- for example, if the container is a library that contains files, cells and views, this depth will only include the files.
oacCellVCQueryDepth  "cellDepth" If the container is a library, this depth will include all of the cell objects owned by that library. This level is cululative with previous levels, so it also will include files in this container.
oacViewVCQueryDepth  "viewDepth" If the container is a library, this depth will include all of the view objects owned by that library. This level is cululative with previous levels, so it also will include cells and files in this container.
oacCellViewVCQueryDepth  "cellViewDepth" If the container is a library, this depth will include all of the cellView objects owned by that library. This level is cululative with previous levels, so it also will include cells, views and files in this container.
oacCellViewFileVCQueryDepth  "cellViewFileDepth" This level is used to indicate that the operation should be recursive to the lowest levels of the library hierarchy - the cellView file. Use of this depth with any container will cause all decendents of that container also to be selected for that operation.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

oaVCQueryDepth::oaVCQueryDepth oaVCQueryDepthEnum    valueIn [inline]

This oaVCQueryDepth constructor takes an oaVCQueryDepthEnum value.

valueIn an oaVCQueryDepthEnum value

oaVCQueryDepth::oaVCQueryDepth const oaString &    name

This oaVCQueryDepth constructor takes an oaVCQueryDepthEnum name.

name the name associated with an oaVCQueryDepthEnum value

oaVCQueryDepth::~oaVCQueryDepth   [inline]

This is the oaVCQueryDepth destructor.

Member Function Documentation

const oaString & oaVCQueryDepth::getName   const

This function returns the name of the oaVCQueryDepthEnum value set on this oaVCQueryDepth wrapper object.

oaVCQueryDepth::operator oaVCQueryDepthEnum   const [inline]

This operator casts this oaVCQueryDepth object into its corresponding oaVCQueryDepthEnum value.

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