oaVersionComp Class Reference

Public Methods

 oaVersionComp (oaVersionCompEnum valueIn)
 oaVersionComp (const oaString &name)
 ~oaVersionComp ()
const oaStringgetName () const
 operator oaVersionCompEnum () const

Detailed Description

The oaVersionComp class is an enum wrapper class for oaVersionCompEnum values, which describe the results of version control system comparison operations.

enum oaVersionCompEnum

This enumeration represents the possible return values of the IVersion::compare() function. If the versions represent the same version, IVersion::cEqual is returned (not just if it is the same version object). IVersion::cEarlier means that the version being passed in is earlier in that branch, while IVersion::cLater means that it is later in the branch. The IVersion::cDifferentBranch value means that the incoming version is not on the same branch, while IVersion::cIncompatable means it is from an incompatable VC system.

Enumeration values:
oacVersionCompEqual  "versionCompEqual" The two version are semantically identical - that is, they refer to the same version in the repository.
oacVersionCompEarlier  "versionCompEarlier" The version being passed in to the comparison is earlier than the one being compared to. This usually means that the earlier version either has an earlier creation date or is a lower version number, or both.
oacVersionCompLater  "versionCompLater" The version being passed in to the comparison is later than the one being compared to. This usually means that the later version either has a later creation date or is a higher version number, or both.
oacVersionCompDifferentBranch  "versionCompDifferentBranch" For VC systems that choose not to make an earlier/later determination for versions on different branches, this value can be returned to indicate this condition.
oacVersionCompIncompatable  "versionCompIncompatable" This value is returned when the two versions are fundamentally incompatable. This usually means that they represent versions in two different VC systems.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

oaVersionComp::oaVersionComp oaVersionCompEnum    valueIn [inline]

This oaVersionComp constructor takes an oaVersionCompEnum value.

valueIn an oaVersionCompEnum value

oaVersionComp::oaVersionComp const oaString &    name

This oaVersionComp constructor takes an oaVersionCompEnum name.

name the name associated with an oaVersionCompEnum value

oaVersionComp::~oaVersionComp   [inline]

This is the oaVersionComp destructor.

Member Function Documentation

const oaString & oaVersionComp::getName   const

This function returns the name of the oaVersionCompEnum value set on this oaVersionComp wrapper object.

oaVersionComp::operator oaVersionCompEnum   const [inline]

This operator casts this oaVersionComp object into its corresponding oaVersionCompEnum value.

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