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Layer (Implant)

 LAYER layerName


    [WIDTH minWidth ;]
    [[SPACING minSpacing [LAYER layerName2] ;]
    ;] ...
    [PROPERTY propName propVal ;] ...

 END layerName

This IMPLANT layer maps to OpenAccess as an oaPhysicalLayer with material oacNImplantMaterial.

PROPERTY propName propVal

The LEF properties are stored in OpenAccess using the appropriate type of oaProp. All properties used are validated against the PROPERTYDEFINITIONS at the start of the LEF file. An error is issued if an undefined property is used.


SPACING minSpacing [LAYER layerName2] ;

The simple LEF implant layer spacing rule maps to OpenAccess to an oacMinSpacing constraint using an oaIntValue in the foundryRules constraint group. The interlayer spacing rule for implant layers maps to OpenAccess as an oacMinClearance constraint using oaIntValue.

WIDTH minWidth

The LAYER WIDTH attribute for implant layers is stored in OpenAccess by using an oaIntRule of type oacMinWidthRule.