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     [SAMENET layerName layerName minSpace [STACK] ;] ...


The LEF SPACING SAMENET statement (legal only in version 5.6 and below) is stored in OpenAccess using an oaIntValue for a constraint in the FoundryRules constraint group. If both layerNames are the same, an oaLayerConstraint of type oacMinSameNetSpacing is used. If the layerNames are different (only allowed when a layer is a CUT layer), an oaLayerPairConstraint of type oacMinSameNetClearance is used. In addition, if the STACK keyword is specified for two CUT layers, an oaBooleanValue with a value of TRUE is stored using an oaLayerPairConstraint in the FoundryRules constraint group of type oacViaStackingAllowed.

Note Some applications write LEF that includes layers not defined in the technology file. The translator ignores non-cut layer constraints found in the interlayer spacing section of LEF, and it also ignores other constraints that are not applicable to LEF.