cControlled |
When this bit is set, the corresponding object is "controlled" by this VC system. In most cases this means that there is a checked-in file that represents this object on the disk. |
cEditable |
When this bit is set it is safe to modify the object on disk. In some systems, that means the file for this object is checked out. Some systems allow modifications to files without check-out - for such a system, objects will always be reported as "Editable". |
cUpToDate |
This bit indicates that the file on disk is either identical to the latest version in the VC repository, or, if edits have been made, it is based on the latest version in the repository. |
cAdded |
This bit is used for VC systems that have a notion of "Added but not committed" (e.g. CVS). This means that the local workspace shows that this object has been marked to be added to the repository, but that it hasn't yet been committed. |
cDeleted |
This bit is set if the file for this object has been marked for deletion in the local workspace, but this change hasn't yet been committed. (See "cAdded") |
cModified |
This bit is set if the file for this object has been modified on disk in the local workspace, and this change hasn't yet been committed. |
cLocked |
This bit is set if the file for this object has been locked *in the VC system* to prevent concurrent check-outs. This is not the same as locking a file in the OA library which is intended to prevent concurrent edits in the same local workspace. |
cMerged |
This bit is set if the file on disk is the result of a recent merge operation from the repository. This will always imply "Edited". This will only be reported if the underlying VC system keeps track of merge status. |
cConflict |
This bit will be set if the file in the local workspace currently contains a conflict acquired from the merge of an edited file and changes in the repository. On systems that can't detect when the conflicts have been resolved, this bit may stay set until the local edits are committed. |
cMissing |
This bit will be set if the file is in the repository but the copy in the local workspace is missing. This bit may never be used for VC systems that point to a central remote area for files that haven't been modified locally (e.g. ClearCase). |
cRemote |
This bit is set if the file for this object is located remotely, and not cached in the local workspace. |