ILibDefAccess Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for ILibDefAccess:


Public Methods

virtual void warn (const oa::oaLibDefList *defList, const oa::oaString &message)=0

Static Public Methods

const GuidgetId ()

Detailed Description

This is an abstract class that implements the interface needed for providing information about problems encountered when parsing a library definition file. A library definition file plug-in is responsible for providing an enhanced message about the error.

The ILibDefAccess functions also provide the plug-in with read and write access for certain OpenAccess data that is not accessible through the public API.

This class also provides a function for getting the unique ID that identifies this interface.

Member Function Documentation

const Guid & ILibDefAccess::getId   [inline, static]

This function returns a 128-bit ID value that is used to uniquely identify interfaces in the OpenAccess plug-in system.

void ILibDefAccess::warn const oa::oaLibDefList *    defList,
const oa::oaString &    message
[pure virtual]

This function sends a message to OpenAccess when a plug-in encounters problems, such as syntax errors, while parsing a library definition file. OpenAccess then invokes the oaLibDefList onLoadWarning notification, which notifies the related observers about the error that the plug-in encountered.

The plug-in is responsible for providing detailed information about the problem in message.

defList A pointer to the oaLibDefList for which there are problems.
message A message string providing sufficient information about the problems.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

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