IVersion Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for IVersion:


Public Methods

virtual SRef< IStringgetVCSystemName ()=0
virtual SRef< IStringgetDisplayName ()=0
virtual oa::oaUInt4 compare (IVersion *other)=0

Detailed Description

This interface is a generic representation of a version. It is implemented by a version class in the VC plug-in. The functionality that the OpenAccess design management system is interested in is limited to getting the display name, which is the string representation of the version, and comparing this version to other versions. Additional capabilities can be implemented by the VC plug-in by defining and implementing custom interfaces. These interfaces can be accessed by the VC plug-in when the version object is passed back in to it, for example, in the getFiles function of the IVersionControl interface.

Member Function Documentation

uint32 IVersion::compare IVersion *    other [pure virtual]

This function compares this version object to the one being passed in. The return value is one of the values specified in the oaVersionCompEnum. Typically, a VC plug-in will query the incoming IVersion pointer for an interface private to that plug-in to extract the information used in the comparison. In this case, if this interface isn't found, oacVersionCompIncompatable will be returned.

other A pointer to the interface pointer of the other version that you want to compare with this one.

SRef< IString > IVersion::getDisplayName   [pure virtual]

This function returns an IString interface that encapsulates the "Display Name" of the version. The format of this name is completely determined by the VC system, and no assumptions or restrictions are placed on it by OA. This should be a string that can be presented to an end user.

SRef< IString > IVersion::getVCSystemName   [pure virtual]

This function returns the name of the VC plug-in that this version object came from.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

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