oaAntennaArea Class Reference

Public Methods

 oaAntennaArea (oaUInt8 areaIn=0u, oaLayerNum layerNumIn=oacAnyLayerNum)
oaUInt8area ()
oaLayerNumlayerNum ()
oaUInt8 area () const
oaLayerNum layerNum () const
oaBoolean operator== (const oaAntennaArea &value) const
oaBoolean operator!= (const oaAntennaArea &value) const

Detailed Description

The oaAntennaArea class implements an object for holding antennaArea data. This data includes an area value in square database units and an optional layer number. If the layer number is oacNullIndex, the area is interpreted as applying to all layers.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

oaAntennaArea::oaAntennaArea oaUInt8    areaIn = 0u,
oaLayerNum    layerNumIn = oacAnyLayerNum

This is the constructor for an oaAntennaArea object.

areaIn optional area value; the default value is 0.
layerNumIn optional layer number; the default is oacAnyLayerNum, which signifies that the area applies to all layers

Member Function Documentation

oaUInt8 oaAntennaArea::area   const [inline]

This const version of the area() function allows users to get the area value of this oaAntennaArea object.

oaUInt8 & oaAntennaArea::area   [inline]

This non-const version of the area()function, which returns a reference to the area value, allows users to set the area value on this oaAntennaArea object.

oaLayerNum oaAntennaArea::layerNum   const [inline]

This const version of the layerNum() function allows users to get the oaLayerNum of this oaAntennaArea object.

oaLayerNum & oaAntennaArea::layerNum   [inline]

This non-const version of the layerNum() function, which returns a reference to its oaLayerNum, allows users to set the oaLayerNum on this oaAntennaArea object.

oaBoolean oaAntennaArea::operator!= const oaAntennaArea &    aa const [inline]

This is the inequality operator for the oaAntennaArea class. It compares this oaAntennaArea with the specified aa oaAntennaArea object, and returns true if the either the area or the layerNum values of the two objects are not equal; it returns false if both values are equal for the two objects.

aa oaAntennaArea object to compare to this antenna area object

oaBoolean oaAntennaArea::operator== const oaAntennaArea &    aa const [inline]

This is the equality operator for the oaAntennaArea class. It compares this oaAntennaArea with the specified aa oaAntennaArea object, and returns true if the area and layerNum values of the two objects are equal; false if both values are not equal for the two objects.

aa oaAntennaArea object to compare to this antenna area object

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