oaTechHeader Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaTechHeader:

oaTechObject oaObject

Public Methods

void getRefLibName (oaScalarName &refLibName) const
void getRefLibName (const oaNameSpace &ns, oaString &refLibName) const
oaTechgetRefTech () const
oaBoolean isBound () const

Static Public Methods

oaTechHeader * find (const oaTech *tech, const oaScalarName &refLibName)
oaTechHeader * find (const oaTech *tech, const oaTech *refTech)

Public Types

enum  { dtIndex = oacTechHeaderDataType }

Detailed Description

The oaTechHeader class implements an object that contains information about a referenced oaTech database in a given parent oaTech database. The oaTechHeader manages the binding and unbinding of the oaTech references.

An oaTechHeader is an automatic object that is created and destroyed by the database. An oaTechHeader is automatically created when an object references another object that is in another oaTech database in the graph of referenced oaTech databases. The oaTechHeader is automatically destroyed when the last object making the reference is destroyed.

Refer to Incremental Technology Databases in the Using Technology Databases section of the Programmers Guide for more information about referenced tech databases.

Member Function Documentation

oaTechHeader * oaTechHeader::find const oaTech *    tech,
const oaTech *    refTech

This function searches the specified tech database (tech) for a techHeader that references the specified tech database (refTech).

tech Tech database to search
refTech Tech database that is referenced

oaTechHeader * oaTechHeader::find const oaTech *    tech,
const oaScalarName &    refLibName

This function searches the specified technology database for a techHeader that references a tech in the library with the specified name.

tech Tech database to search
refLibName Name of library in which to find the tech reference

void oaTechHeader::getRefLibName const oaNameSpace &    ns,
oaString &    refLibName

This function retrieves the name of the library in the specified ns nameSpace that contains the technology database that this techHeader references.

ns nameSpace in which to retrieve the library name
refLibName Retrieved library name

void oaTechHeader::getRefLibName oaScalarName &    refLibName const

This function retrieves the name of the library that contains the technology database that this techHeader references.

refLibName Retrieved library name

oaTech * oaTechHeader::getRefTech   const

This function returns a pointer to the technology database that this techHeader references. NULL is returned if the technology database is not bound.

oaBoolean oaTechHeader::isBound   const

This function returns a boolean indicating whether this techHeader is bound or not.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Enumeration values:

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