oaTechObject Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaTechObject:

oaObject oaAnalysisLib oaDerivedLayerParam oaLayer oaOpPoint oaPurpose oaSiteDef oaTech oaTechHeader oaTechLayerHeader oaTechViaDefHeader oaViaDef oaViaSpec

Public Methods

oaTechgetTech () const
oaBoolean isLayer () const
oaBoolean isSiteDef () const
oaBoolean isViaDef () const

Public Types

enum  { dbType = oacTechDBType }
enum  { domain = oacNoDomain }

Detailed Description

The oaTechObject class is an abstract base class for all OpenAccess technology database objects. All objects specific to the technology database are oaTechObjects.

Member Function Documentation

oaTech * oaTechObject::getTech   const

This function returns the technology database associated with this object.

oaBoolean oaTechObject::isLayer   const

This function returns a boolean value that indicates if this object is a layer object.

oaBoolean oaTechObject::isSiteDef   const

This function returns a boolean value that indicates if this object is a siteDef object.

oaBoolean oaTechObject::isViaDef   const

This function returns a boolean value that indicates if this object is a viaDef object.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Enumeration values:

anonymous enum

Enumeration values:

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