oaTechUndoObserverBase Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaTechUndoObserverBase:


Public Methods

 oaTechUndoObserverBase ()
virtual ~oaTechUndoObserverBase ()
virtual void onStartUndo (oaTech *Tech)
virtual void onEndUndo (oaTech *Tech)
virtual void onStartRedo (oaTech *Tech)
virtual void onEndRedo (oaTech *Tech)
virtual void onSetCp (oaTech *Tech, oaUInt4 cpID)
virtual void onUnsetCp (oaTech *Tech)
oaBoolean isEnabled ()
void enable (oaBoolean enabledIn)

Detailed Description

The oaTechUndoObserver class implements an observer for actions associated with undo and redo functions. Applications that need to receive notification of these actions should derive from this class and implement the appropriate observer functions.

See oaObserver for a general description of how callbacks are used.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


This function constructs an oaTechUndoObserver callback object.

oaTechUndoObserverBase::~oaTechUndoObserverBase   [virtual]

This function destroys this oaTechUndoObserver object, deactivating and deleting the callback and freeing all resources associated with the callback.

Member Function Documentation

void oaTechUndoObserverBase::enable oaBoolean    enabledIn

This function activates or deactivates this observer.

enabledIn Indicates whether to make this observer active or inactive

oaBoolean oaTechUndoObserverBase::isEnabled  

This function returns a boolean value indicating whether this observer is active.

void oaTechUndoObserverBase::onEndRedo oaTech *    Tech [virtual]

This function is called just after the undo mechanism finishes redoing changes to the specified tech. The application's derived class must implement this function in order to receive notification when a redo event has occurred.

void oaTechUndoObserverBase::onEndUndo oaTech *    Tech [virtual]

This function is called just after the undo mechanism finishes undoing changes to the specified tech. The application's derived class must implement this function in order to receive notification when an undo event occurs.

void oaTechUndoObserverBase::onSetCp oaTech *    Tech,
oaUInt4    cpID

This function is called when the an undo checkpoint is set on the specified tech. The application's derived class must implement this function to receive notification when a checkpoint for the tech is set.

Tech The technology database on which the checkpoint was set
cpID The ID of the checkpoint that was set

void oaTechUndoObserverBase::onStartRedo oaTech *    Tech [virtual]

This function is called just before the undo mechanism restores changes to the specified tech. The application's derived class must implement this function in order to receive notification when a redo event is about to occur.

void oaTechUndoObserverBase::onStartUndo oaTech *    Tech [virtual]

This function is called just before the undo mechanism reverses changes to the specified tech. The application's derived class must implement this function in order to receive notification when an undo event is about to occur.

void oaTechUndoObserverBase::onUnsetCp oaTech *    Tech [virtual]

This function is called when a checkpoint is unset on the specified tech. The application's derived class must implement this function in order to receive notification when a checkpoint for the tech is unset.

Tech The technology database on which the observer is set

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