oaTechViaDefHeader Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaTechViaDefHeader:

oaTechObject oaObject

Public Methods

void getViaDefName (oaString &name) const
oaViaDefgetViaDef () const
oaBoolean isBound () const

Static Public Methods

oaTechViaDefHeader * find (const oaTech *tech, const oaString &viaDefName)

Public Types

enum  { dtIndex = oacTechViaDefHeaderDataType }

Detailed Description

The oaTechViaDefHeader class is responsible for managing the binding to a specific viaDef, whether that viaDef exists in the same or in a referenced technology database.

Member Function Documentation

oaTechViaDefHeader * oaTechViaDefHeader::find const oaTech *    tech,
const oaString &    viaDefName

This function searches the specified technology database for a techViaDefHeader corresponding to a viaDef with the given name.

tech tech database to search
viaDefName name of viaDef whose techViaDefHeader is to be found

oaViaDef * oaTechViaDefHeader::getViaDef   const

This function returns a pointer to the viaDef that this techHeader references. NULL is returned if the viaDef is unavailable; this may occur if the corresponding technology database is not bound.

void oaTechViaDefHeader::getViaDefName oaString &    name const

This function retrieves the name of the viaDef that this techViaDefHeader references.

name retrieved viaDef name

oaBoolean oaTechViaDefHeader::isBound   const

This function returns a boolean indicating whether this techViaDefHeader is bound or not.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Enumeration values:

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