oaViaTopology Class Reference

Public Methods

 oaViaTopology ()
 oaViaTopology (oaViaDef *viaDefIn)
 oaViaTopology (oaViaVariant *viaVariantIn)
 ~oaViaTopology ()
void init (oaViaDef *viaDefIn)
void init (oaViaVariant *viaVariantIn)
void init (const oaString &topologyName, oaObject *ownerDB, oaViaTopologyType typeIn)
void getName (oaString &name) const
const oaObjectgetOwner () const
oaViaDefgetViaDef () const
oaViaVariantgetViaVariant () const
oaViaTopologyType getType () const
oaBoolean operator== (const oaViaTopology &viaTopology)
oaBoolean operator!= (const oaViaTopology &viaTopology)
oaBoolean operator== (const oaViaTopology &viaTopology) const
oaBoolean operator!= (const oaViaTopology &viaTopology) const

Detailed Description

The oaViaTopology utility class represents a bound or unbound oaViaDef or oaViaVariant.

The oaViaTopology object is used to fill an oaViaTopologyArray, which in turn is used to create oaViaTopologyArrayValue and oaViaTopology2DTblValue objects. Both of these value types are used for the specification of the oacValidRoutingVias constraint.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


This function constructs an instance of an oaViaTopology class, and is used by the oaViaTopologyArray constructor. An uninitialized oaViaTopology is constructed and the oaViaTopology::init function should be used to initialize the oaViaTopology with information about an oaViaVariant.

oaViaTopology::oaViaTopology oaViaDef *    viaDefIn

This function constructs an instance of an oaViaTopology class using the specified oaViaDef.

viaDefIn Pointer to an oaViaDef.

oaViaTopology::oaViaTopology oaViaVariant *    viaVariantIn

This function constructs an instance of an oaViaTopology class using the specified oaViaVariant.

viaVariantIn Pointer to an oaViaVariant.

void oaViaTopology::~oaViaTopology  

This functions destroys this oaViaTopology object.

Member Function Documentation

void oaViaTopology::getName oaString &    name const

This function returns the name of the oaViaVariant or oaViaDef in this oaViaTopology object.

name Returned name of the oaViaVariant or oaViaDef

const oaObject * oaViaTopology::getOwner   const

This function returns the owner of a bound oaViaTopology object. NULL is returned if the object is unbound.

Note: The pointer to the owner of the oaViaTopology object was set when the oaViaTopology object was created or when oaViaTopology::init() was called. The object pointer might be invalid if the referenced object has been destroyed. Applications should verify that pointers returned by getOwner are valid.

oaViaTopologyType oaViaTopology::getType   const

This function returns the oaViaTopologyType of this oaViaTopology object.

oaViaDef * oaViaTopology::getViaDef   const

This function returns the oaViaDef in this oaViaTopology object if the object type is oaViaDefTopology and the oaViaDef is bound. Otherwise, this function returns NULL.

Note: The pointer to the oaViaDef object was set when the oaViaTopology object was created or when oaViaTopology::init() was called. The object pointer might be invalid if the referenced object has been destroyed. Applications should verify that pointers returned by getViaDef are valid.

oaViaVariant * oaViaTopology::getViaVariant   const

This function returns the oaViaVariant in this oaViaTopology object if the object type is oaViaVariantTopology and the oaViaVariant is bound. Otherwise this function returns NULL.

Note: The pointer to the oaViaVariant object was set when the oaViaTopology object was created or when oaViaTopology::init() was called. The object pointer might be invalid if the referenced object has been destroyed. Applications should verify that pointers returned by getViaVariant are valid.

void oaViaTopology::init const oaString &    topologyName,
oaObject *    ownerDB,
oaViaTopologyType    typeIn

This version of the init function is used by OpenAccess to initialize an oaViaTopology object when the oaViaDef or oaViaVariant is not bound.

topologyName Name for the oaViaTopology object to initialize.
ownerDB Owning database, either an oaDesign or an oaTech.
typeIn Type of the oaViaTopology object.

void oaViaTopology::init oaViaVariant *    viaVariantIn

This functions initializes this oaViaTopology object with the specified oaViaVariant.

viaVariantIn Pointer to an oaViaVariant.

void oaViaTopology::init oaViaDef *    viaDefIn

This functions initializes this oaViaTopology object with the specified oaViaDef.

viaDefIn Pointer to an oaViaDef

oaBoolean oaViaTopology::operator!= const oaViaTopology &    viaTopology const

This is the inequality operator for the oaViaTopology object. It compares this oaViaTopology with the specified viaTopology, and returns true if the two objects are not equivalent; it returns false othewise.

viaTopology oaViaTopology to compare to this object's oaViaTopology

oaBoolean oaViaTopology::operator!= const oaViaTopology &    viaTopology

oaBoolean oaViaTopology::operator== const oaViaTopology &    viaTopology const

This is the equality operator for the oaViaTopology object. It compares this oaViaTopology with the specified viaTopology, and returns true if the two objects are equivalent; it returns false otherwise.

viaTopology oaViaTopology to compare to this object's oaViaTopology

oaBoolean oaViaTopology::operator== const oaViaTopology &    viaTopology

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