oaWaferDesc Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaWaferDesc:

oaWaferObject oaObject

Public Methods

void destroy ()
void getName (oaString &name) const
oaDist getTotalDiameter () const
oaDist getUsableDiameter () const
void setName (const oaString &name)
void setTotalDiameter (oaDist value)
void setUsableDiameter (oaDist value)
oaCollection< oaStepperMap, oaWaferDesc > getStepperMaps () const
oaCollection< oaWaferFeature, oaWaferDesc > getWaferFeatures () const

Static Public Methods

oaWaferDesc * create (oaWafer *wafer, const oaString &name, oaDist totalDiameter, oaDist usableDiameter)

Public Types

enum  { dtIndex = oacWaferDescWaferDataType }

Detailed Description

The oaWaferDesc class specifies all of the information for exposing its associated reticles on a physical silicon wafer.

The oaWaferDesc class can be observed by deriving from oaObserver<oaWaferDesc>.

Member Function Documentation

oaWaferDesc * oaWaferDesc::create oaWafer *    wafer,
const oaString &    name,
oaDist    totalDiameter,
oaDist    usableDiameter

This function creates a wafer description in the specified wafer with the given name and attributes. Exceptions are thrown if the wafer already has a wafer description associated with it or if the usable diameter value is greater than the total diameter value specified.

wafer Specifies the wafer to create the wafer description in
name Specifies the name of the wafer description
totalDiameter Specifies the total diameter of the wafer
usableDiameter Specifies the usable diameter of the wafer

void oaWaferDesc::destroy  

This function destroys this wafer description, removing it from the database.

void oaWaferDesc::getName oaString &    name const

This function returns the name of this wafer description.

name Filled out with the name of this wafer description

oaCollection< oaStepperMap, oaWaferDesc > oaWaferDesc::getStepperMaps   const

This function returns the collection of stepperMaps associated with this wafer description.

oaUInt4 oaWaferDesc::getTotalDiameter   const

This function returns the total diameter value associated with this wafer description.

oaUInt4 oaWaferDesc::getUsableDiameter   const

This function returns the usable diameter value associated with this wafer description.

oaCollection< oaWaferFeature, oaWaferDesc > oaWaferDesc::getWaferFeatures   const

This function returns the collection of waferFeatures associated with this wafer description object.

void oaWaferDesc::setName const oaString &    name

This function changes the name of this wafer description.

name Specifies the new name for this wafer description

void oaWaferDesc::setTotalDiameter oaDist    value

This function changes the total diameter value of this wafer description. An exception is thrown if the value is less than the current usable diameter value.

value Specifies the new total diameter value

void oaWaferDesc::setUsableDiameter oaDist    value

This function changes the usable diameter value of this wafer description. An exception is thrown if the value is greater than the current total diameter value.

value Specifies the new usable diameter value

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Enumeration values:

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