IPcellGen Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for IPcellGen:


Public Methods

virtual void genPcell (const oaString &masterType, oaDesign *design, oaPcellDef *pcellDef)=0

Static Public Methods

const GuidgetId ()

Detailed Description

The IPcellGen class is an interface for applications to interact with an IPcell to provide the content generation on a subMaster. The content generation on a subMaster is identified as a Pcell generator. oaPcellCPP uses this interface as the link between the evaluator and generator.

Member Function Documentation

void IPcellGen::genPcell const oaString &    masterType,
oaDesign *    design,
oaPcellDef *    pcellDef
[pure virtual]

masterType Application-defined identifier for different master generation.
design The design where the content is contained.
pcellDef The oaPcellDef of the pcell evaluator that is using this interface.

const Guid & IPcellGen::getId   [static]

This function returns the GUID for IPcellGen.

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