oaMapWindow Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaMapWindow:


Public Methods

oaBoolean isMapped () const
oaBoolean isMapped (oaUInt4 sizeIn, oaUInt8 offsetIn, oaUInt4 &loc) const
oaUInt4 getSize () const
oaUInt8 getOffset () const
oaUInt4 getLoc (oaUInt8 offsetIn) const
oaByte & operator[] (oaUInt4 index)
oaByte * getBytes (oaUInt4 loc) const
const oaPackedDatadata () const

Detailed Description

This utility class is used to read data from and write data to a memory-mapped disk file.

The primary usage of oaMapWindow is internal to OpenAccess. It is public because applications that do pcell evaluation can use them to store private data in a pcell supermaster. See oaPackedData for a discussion of this usage. The only function that pcell evaluators need to call on an oaMapWindow is data(). They do not ever construct a class instance.

Member Function Documentation

const oaPackedData & oaMapWindow::data   const [inline]

This function returns a reference to the oaPackedData interface that is associated with this mapWindow. Use this function to access the functions on oaPackedData to read and write data from and to this mapWindow.

oaByte * oaMapWindow::getBytes oaUInt4    loc const [inline]

This function returns the byte pointer pointing to the specified location.

oaUInt4 oaMapWindow::getLoc oaUInt8    offsetIn const [inline]

This function returns the location within the window of offsetIn, which must be currently mapped.

oaUInt8 oaMapWindow::getOffset   const [inline]

This function returns the offset of this mapWindow.

oaUInt4 oaMapWindow::getSize   const [inline]

This function returns the size of this mapWindow.

oaBoolean oaMapWindow::isMapped oaUInt4    sizeIn,
oaUInt8    offsetIn,
oaUInt4 &    loc

This function returns true if the window is mapped and covers sizeIn bytes starting at offsetIn. The location within the window of offsetIn is returned in loc.

oaBoolean oaMapWindow::isMapped   const [inline]

This function returns true if this mapWindow is mapped.

oaByte & oaMapWindow::operator[] oaUInt4    index [inline]

This function returns the reference to a byte in this mapWindow at the specified index.

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