oaPackedData Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaPackedData:


Public Methods

oaByte *& data ()
oaUInt4 & size ()
oaBoolean & swap ()
oaByte * data () const
oaUInt4 size () const
oaBoolean swap () const
void writeByte (oaUInt4 &loc, oaByte val) const
void writeBytes (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt4 numObjects, const oaByte *val) const
void writeInt2 (oaUInt4 &loc, oaInt2 val) const
void writeInt4 (oaUInt4 &loc, oaInt4 val) const
void writeInt8 (oaUInt4 &loc, oaInt8 val) const
void writeUInt2 (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt2 val) const
void writeUInt4 (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt4 val) const
void writeUInt8 (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt8 val) const
void writeFloat (oaUInt4 &loc, oaFloat val) const
void writeDouble (oaUInt4 &loc, oaDouble val) const
void writeTime (oaUInt4 &loc, oaTime val) const
void writeString (oaUInt4 &loc, const oaString &val) const
void writePoint (oaUInt4 &loc, const oaPoint &val) const
void writeBox (oaUInt4 &loc, const oaBox &val) const
void writeUnalignedUInt4 (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt4 val) const
void writeRef (oaUInt4 &loc, const oaInternalNameRef &ref) const
void writeRef (oaUInt4 &loc, const oaNameRef &ref) const
void writeRef (oaUInt4 &loc, const oaStringRef &ref) const
void writeRef (oaUInt4 &loc, const oaStringNameRef &ref) const
void writeByteArray (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt4 numObjects, const oaByte *val) const
void writeInt2Array (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt4 numObjects, const oaInt2 *val) const
void writeInt4Array (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt4 numObjects, const oaInt4 *val) const
void writeInt8Array (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt4 numObjects, const oaInt8 *val) const
void writeUInt2Array (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt4 numObjects, const oaUInt2 *val) const
void writeUInt4Array (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt4 numObjects, const oaUInt4 *val) const
void writeUInt8Array (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt4 numObjects, const oaUInt8 *val) const
void writeFloatArray (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt4 numObjects, const oaFloat *val) const
void writeDoubleArray (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt4 numObjects, const oaDouble *val) const
void writePointArray (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt4 numObjects, const oaPoint *val) const
void writeBoxArray (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt4 numObjects, const oaBox *val) const
void readByte (oaUInt4 &loc, oaByte &val) const
void readBytes (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt4 numObjects, oaByte *val) const
void readInt2 (oaUInt4 &loc, oaInt2 &val) const
void readInt4 (oaUInt4 &loc, oaInt4 &val) const
void readInt8 (oaUInt4 &loc, oaInt8 &val) const
void readUInt2 (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt2 &val) const
void readUInt4 (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt4 &val) const
void readUInt8 (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt8 &val) const
void readFloat (oaUInt4 &loc, oaFloat &val) const
void readDouble (oaUInt4 &loc, oaDouble &val) const
void readTime (oaUInt4 &loc, oaTime &val) const
void readString (oaUInt4 &loc, oaString &val) const
void readPoint (oaUInt4 &loc, oaPoint &val) const
void readBox (oaUInt4 &loc, oaBox &val) const
void readUnalignedUInt4 (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt4 &val) const
void readRef (oaUInt4 &loc, oaInternalNameRef &ref) const
void readRef (oaUInt4 &loc, oaNameRef &ref) const
void readRef (oaUInt4 &loc, oaStringRef &ref) const
void readRef (oaUInt4 &loc, oaStringNameRef &ref) const
void readByteArray (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt4 numObjects, oaByte *val) const
void readInt2Array (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt4 numObjects, oaInt2 *val) const
void readInt4Array (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt4 numObjects, oaInt4 *val) const
void readInt8Array (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt4 numObjects, oaInt8 *val) const
void readUInt2Array (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt4 numObjects, oaUInt2 *val) const
void readUInt4Array (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt4 numObjects, oaUInt4 *val) const
void readUInt8Array (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt4 numObjects, oaUInt8 *val) const
void readFloatArray (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt4 numObjects, oaFloat *val) const
void readDoubleArray (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt4 numObjects, oaDouble *val) const
void readPointArray (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt4 numObjects, oaPoint *val) const
void readBoxArray (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt4 numObjects, oaBox *val) const
void writePackedInt4 (oaUInt4 &loc, oaInt4 val) const
void writePackedInt8 (oaUInt4 &loc, oaInt8 val) const
void writePackedUInt4 (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt4 val) const
void writePackedUInt8 (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt8 val) const
void writePackedFloat (oaUInt4 &loc, oaFloat val) const
void writePackedDouble (oaUInt4 &loc, oaDouble val) const
void writePackedTime (oaUInt4 &loc, oaTime val) const
void writePackedPoint (oaUInt4 &loc, const oaPoint &point) const
void writePackedBox (oaUInt4 &loc, const oaBox &box) const
void writePackedPointArray (oaUInt4 &loc, const oaPointArray &points, oaBoolean isOrtho, oaBoolean isVFst) const
void writePackedRef (oaUInt4 &loc, const oaInternalNameRef &ref) const
void writePackedRef (oaUInt4 &loc, const oaNameRef &ref) const
void writePackedRef (oaUInt4 &loc, const oaStringRef &ref) const
void writePackedRef (oaUInt4 &loc, const oaStringNameRef &ref) const
void readPackedInt4 (oaUInt4 &loc, oaInt4 &val) const
void readPackedInt8 (oaUInt4 &loc, oaInt8 &val) const
void readPackedUInt4 (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt4 &val) const
void readPackedUInt8 (oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt8 &val) const
void readPackedFloat (oaUInt4 &loc, oaFloat &val) const
void readPackedDouble (oaUInt4 &loc, oaDouble &val) const
void readPackedTime (oaUInt4 &loc, oaTime &val) const
void readPackedPoint (oaUInt4 &loc, oaPoint &point) const
void readPackedBox (oaUInt4 &loc, oaBox &box) const
void readPackedPointArray (oaUInt4 &loc, oaPointArray &points, oaUInt4 numPoints, oaBoolean isOrthogonal, oaBoolean isVertFirst) const
void readPackedRef (oaUInt4 &loc, oaInternalNameRef &ref) const
void readPackedRef (oaUInt4 &loc, oaNameRef &ref) const
void readPackedRef (oaUInt4 &loc, oaStringRef &ref) const
void readPackedRef (oaUInt4 &loc, oaStringNameRef &ref) const
oaUInt4 getPackedInt4Size (oaUInt4 loc) const
oaUInt4 getPackedInt8Size (oaUInt4 loc) const
oaUInt4 getPackedFloatSize (oaUInt4 loc) const
oaUInt4 getPackedDoubleSize (oaUInt4 loc) const
oaUInt4 getPackedTimeSize (oaUInt4 loc) const
oaUInt4 getPackedPointSize (oaUInt4 loc) const
oaUInt4 getPackedBoxSize (oaUInt4 loc) const
oaUInt4 getPackedPointArraySize (oaUInt4 loc, oaUInt4 numPoints, oaBoolean isOrtho) const

Detailed Description

The oaPackedData class implements an interface object used to read and write various types of data from and to a byte array, in either a packed form or as standard data types that could require byte-swapping.

This class is primarily used internally to OpenAccess, but it is public because it can be used to store private data in a pcell supermaster that is used to evaluate instances of that pcell. For example, it could be used to store a tokenized extension language routine that performs the evaluation for the pcell.

Such users do not ever construct an oaPackedData. They only need to use the various read and write functions documented here. Byte swapping is handled automatically for them. See oaPcellDataCallback::onPcellRead and oaPcellDataCallback::onPcellWrite for the starting point of the calls that such users will invoke. An oaPackedData is handed to the caller by oaMapWindow::data.

The caller is responsible for making sure their sequence of read calls match exactly the sequence of write calls that previously wrote the data into an oaPackedData.

Member Function Documentation

oaByte * oaPackedData::data   const [inline]

This function returns the byte array of this packed data.

oaByte *& oaPackedData::data   [inline]

This function returns the reference of the byte array of this packed data.

oaUInt4 oaPackedData::getPackedBoxSize oaUInt4    loc const [inline]

This function returns the number of bytes used to store a packed oaBox object at the specified location. It is assumed that this location actually contains the indicated object type.

oaUInt4 oaPackedData::getPackedDoubleSize oaUInt4    loc const [inline]

This function returns the number of bytes used to store a packed oaDouble object at the specified location. It is assumed that this location actually contains the indicated object type.

oaUInt4 oaPackedData::getPackedFloatSize oaUInt4    loc const [inline]

This function returns the number of bytes used to store a packed oaFloat object at the specified location. It is assumed that this location actually contains the indicated object type.

oaUInt4 oaPackedData::getPackedInt4Size oaUInt4    loc const [inline]

This function returns the number of bytes used to store a packed 4-byte integer object at the specified location. It is assumed that this location actually contains the indicated object type.

oaUInt4 oaPackedData::getPackedInt8Size oaUInt4    loc const [inline]

This function returns the number of bytes used to store a packed 8-byte integer object at the specified location. It is assumed that this location actually contains the indicated object type.

oaUInt4 oaPackedData::getPackedPointArraySize oaUInt4    loc,
oaUInt4    numPoints,
oaBoolean    isOrthogonal
const [inline]

This function returns the number of bytes used to store a packed oaPoint array object at the specified location. It is assumed that this location actually contains the indicated object type.

oaUInt4 oaPackedData::getPackedPointSize oaUInt4    loc const [inline]

This function returns the number of bytes used to store a packed oaPoint object at the specified location. It is assumed that this location actually contains the indicated object type.

oaUInt4 oaPackedData::getPackedTimeSize oaUInt4    loc const [inline]

This function returns the number of bytes used to store a packed oaTime object at the specified location. It is assumed that this location actually contains the indicated object type.

void oaPackedData::readBox oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaBox &    val
const [inline]

This function reads an oaBox value from the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is read. Byte-swapping is performed if the swap-flag is set.

void oaPackedData::readBoxArray oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt4    numObjects,
oaBox *    val

This function reads an oaBox array from the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is read. Byte-swapping is performed if the swap-flag is set.

void oaPackedData::readByte oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaByte &    val
const [inline]

This function reads a byte from the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is read.

void oaPackedData::readByteArray oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt4    numObjects,
oaByte *    val

This function reads a byte array from the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is read. This operation is 4-byte aligned.

void oaPackedData::readBytes oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt4    numObjects,
oaByte *    val
const [inline]

This function reads a byte array from the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is read.

void oaPackedData::readDouble oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaDouble &    val
const [inline]

This function reads an oaDouble value from the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is read. Byte-swapping is performed if the swap-flag is set.

void oaPackedData::readDoubleArray oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt4    numObjects,
oaDouble *    val

This function reads an oaDouble array from the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is read. Byte-swapping is performed if the swap-flag is set.

void oaPackedData::readFloat oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaFloat &    val
const [inline]

This function reads an oaFloat value from the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is read. Byte-swapping is performed if the swap-flag is set.

void oaPackedData::readFloatArray oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt4    numObjects,
oaFloat *    val

This function reads an oaFloat array from the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is read. Byte-swapping is performed if the swap-flag is set.

void oaPackedData::readInt2 oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaInt2 &    val
const [inline]

This function reads an oaInt2 value from the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is read. Byte-swapping is performed if the swap-flag is set.

void oaPackedData::readInt2Array oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt4    numObjects,
oaInt2 *    val

This function reads an oaInt2 array from the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is read. Byte-swapping is performed if the swap-flag is set. This operation is 4-byte aligned.

void oaPackedData::readInt4 oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaInt4 &    val
const [inline]

This function reads an oaInt4 value from the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is read. Byte-swapping is performed if the swap-flag is set.

void oaPackedData::readInt4Array oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt4    numObjects,
oaInt4 *    val

This function reads an oaInt4 array from the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is read. Byte-swapping is performed if the swap-flag is set.

void oaPackedData::readInt8 oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaInt8 &    val
const [inline]

This function reads an oaInt8 value from the packed data at the specified location. The location index is aligned and then incremented past the data that is read. Byte-swapping is performed if the swap-flag is set.

void oaPackedData::readInt8Array oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt4    numObjects,
oaInt8 *    val

This function reads an oaInt8 array from the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is read. Byte-swapping is performed if the swap-flag is set.

void oaPackedData::readPackedBox oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaBox &    val
const [inline]

This function unpacks and reads out an oaBox value at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.


void oaPackedData::readPackedDouble oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaDouble &    val
const [inline]

This function unpacks and reads out an oaDouble value at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.

void oaPackedData::readPackedFloat oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaFloat &    val
const [inline]

This function unpacks and reads out an oaFloat value at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.

void oaPackedData::readPackedInt4 oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaInt4 &    val
const [inline]

This function unpacks and reads out an oaInt4 value at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.


void oaPackedData::readPackedInt8 oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaInt8 &    val
const [inline]

This function unpacks and reads out an oaInt8 value at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.


void oaPackedData::readPackedPoint oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaPoint &    val
const [inline]

This function unpacks and reads out an oaPoint value at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.


void oaPackedData::readPackedPointArray oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaPointArray &    points,
oaUInt4    numPoints,
oaBoolean    isOrthogonal,
oaBoolean    isVertFirst
const [inline]

This function unpacks and reads out an oaPointArray at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.


void oaPackedData::readPackedRef oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaStringNameRef &    ref

void oaPackedData::readPackedRef oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaStringRef &    ref

void oaPackedData::readPackedRef oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaNameRef &    ref

void oaPackedData::readPackedRef oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaInternalNameRef &    ref

void oaPackedData::readPackedTime oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaTime &    val
const [inline]

This function unpacks and reads out an oaTime value at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.


void oaPackedData::readPackedUInt4 oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt4 &    val
const [inline]

This function unpacks and reads out an oaUInt4 value at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.


void oaPackedData::readPackedUInt8 oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt8 &    val
const [inline]

This function unpacks and reads out an oaUInt8 value at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.


void oaPackedData::readPoint oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaPoint &    val
const [inline]

This function reads an oaPoint value from the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is read. Byte-swapping is performed if the swap-flag is set.

void oaPackedData::readPointArray oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt4    numObjects,
oaPoint *    val

This function reads an oaPoint array from the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is read. Byte-swapping is performed if the swap-flag is set.

void oaPackedData::readRef oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaStringNameRef &    ref

void oaPackedData::readRef oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaStringRef &    ref

void oaPackedData::readRef oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaNameRef &    ref

void oaPackedData::readRef oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaInternalNameRef &    ref

void oaPackedData::readString oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaString &    val
const [inline]

This function reads a string from the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is read.

void oaPackedData::readTime oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaTime &    val
const [inline]

This function reads an oaTime value from the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is read. Byte-swapping is performed if the swap-flag is set.

void oaPackedData::readUInt2 oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt2 &    val
const [inline]

This function reads an oaUInt2 value from the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is read. Byte-swapping is performed if the swap-flag is set.

void oaPackedData::readUInt2Array oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt4    numObjects,
oaUInt2 *    val

This function reads an oaUInt2 array from the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is read. Byte-swapping is performed if the swap-flag is set. This operation is 4-byte aligned.

void oaPackedData::readUInt4 oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt4 &    val
const [inline]

This function reads an oaUInt4 value from the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is read. Byte-swapping is performed if the swap-flag is set.

void oaPackedData::readUInt4Array oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt4    numObjects,
oaUInt4 *    val

This function reads an oaUInt4 array from the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is read. Byte-swapping is performed if the swap-flag is set.

void oaPackedData::readUInt8 oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt8 &    val
const [inline]

This function reads an oaUInt8 value from the packed data at the specified location. The location index is aligned and then incremented past the data that is read. Byte-swapping is performed if the swap-flag is set.

void oaPackedData::readUInt8Array oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt4    numObjects,
oaUInt8 *    val

This function reads an oaInt8 array from the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is read. Byte-swapping is performed if the swap-flag is set.

void oaPackedData::readUnalignedUInt4 oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt4 &    val
const [inline]

This function reads an unaligned UInt4 from the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is read. Byte-swapping is performed if the swap-flag is set.

oaUInt4 oaPackedData::size   const [inline]

This function returns the byte array size of this packed data.

oaUInt4 & oaPackedData::size   [inline]

This function returns the reference of byte array size of this packed data.

oaBoolean oaPackedData::swap   const [inline]

This function returns the swap flag of this packed data.

oaBoolean & oaPackedData::swap   [inline]

This function returns the reference of the swap flag of this packed data.

void oaPackedData::writeBox oaUInt4 &    loc,
const oaBox &    val
const [inline]

This function writes an oaBox to the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.

void oaPackedData::writeBoxArray oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt4    numObjects,
const oaBox *    val

This function writes an oaBox array to the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.

void oaPackedData::writeByte oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaByte    val
const [inline]

This function writes a byte to the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.

void oaPackedData::writeByteArray oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt4    numObjects,
const oaByte *    val

This function writes a byte array to the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written. This operation is 4-byte aligned.

void oaPackedData::writeBytes oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt4    numObjects,
const oaByte *    val
const [inline]

This function writes a byte array to the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.

void oaPackedData::writeDouble oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaDouble    val
const [inline]

This function writes an oaDouble value to the packed data at the specified location. The location index is aligned and then incremented past the data that is written.

void oaPackedData::writeDoubleArray oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt4    numObjects,
const oaDouble *    val

This function writes an oaDouble array to the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.

void oaPackedData::writeFloat oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaFloat    val
const [inline]

This function writes an oaFloat value to the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.

void oaPackedData::writeFloatArray oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt4    numObjects,
const oaFloat *    val

This function writes an oaFloat array to the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.

void oaPackedData::writeInt2 oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaInt2    val
const [inline]

This function writes an oaInt2 value to the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.

void oaPackedData::writeInt2Array oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt4    numObjects,
const oaInt2 *    val

This function writes an oaInt2 array to the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written. This operation is 4-byte aligned.

void oaPackedData::writeInt4 oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaInt4    val
const [inline]

This function writes an oaInt4 value to the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.

void oaPackedData::writeInt4Array oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt4    numObjects,
const oaInt4 *    val

This function writes an oaInt4 array to the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.

void oaPackedData::writeInt8 oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaInt8    val
const [inline]

This function writes an oaInt8 value to the packed data at the specified location. The location index is aligned and then incremented past the data that is written.

void oaPackedData::writeInt8Array oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt4    numObjects,
const oaInt8 *    val

This function writes an oaInt8 array to the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the array that is written. All array writes are 4-byte aligned.

void oaPackedData::writePackedBox oaUInt4 &    loc,
const oaBox &    box
const [inline]

This function packs and writes an oaBox value at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.

void oaPackedData::writePackedDouble oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaDouble    val
const [inline]

This function packs and writes an oaDouble value at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.

void oaPackedData::writePackedFloat oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaFloat    val
const [inline]

This function packs and writes an oaFloat value at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.

void oaPackedData::writePackedInt4 oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaInt4    val
const [inline]

This function packs and writes an oaInt4 value at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.

void oaPackedData::writePackedInt8 oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaInt8    val
const [inline]

This function packs and writes an oaInt8 value at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.

void oaPackedData::writePackedPoint oaUInt4 &    loc,
const oaPoint &    point
const [inline]

This function packs and writes an oaPoint value at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.

void oaPackedData::writePackedPointArray oaUInt4 &    loc,
const oaPointArray &    points,
oaBoolean    isOrtho,
oaBoolean    isVFst
const [inline]

This function packs and writes an oaPointArray at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.

void oaPackedData::writePackedRef oaUInt4 &    loc,
const oaStringNameRef &    ref

void oaPackedData::writePackedRef oaUInt4 &    loc,
const oaStringRef &    ref

void oaPackedData::writePackedRef oaUInt4 &    loc,
const oaNameRef &    ref

void oaPackedData::writePackedRef oaUInt4 &    loc,
const oaInternalNameRef &    ref

void oaPackedData::writePackedTime oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaTime    val
const [inline]

This function packs and writes an oaTime value at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.

void oaPackedData::writePackedUInt4 oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt4    val
const [inline]

This function packs and writes an oaUInt4 value at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.

void oaPackedData::writePackedUInt8 oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt8    val
const [inline]

This function packs and writes an oaUInt8 value at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.

void oaPackedData::writePoint oaUInt4 &    loc,
const oaPoint &    val
const [inline]

This function writes an oaPoint to the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.

void oaPackedData::writePointArray oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt4    numObjects,
const oaPoint *    val

This function writes an oaPoint array to the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.

void oaPackedData::writeRef oaUInt4 &    loc,
const oaStringNameRef &    ref

void oaPackedData::writeRef oaUInt4 &    loc,
const oaStringRef &    ref

void oaPackedData::writeRef oaUInt4 &    loc,
const oaNameRef &    ref

void oaPackedData::writeRef oaUInt4 &    loc,
const oaInternalNameRef &    ref

void oaPackedData::writeString oaUInt4 &    loc,
const oaString &    val
const [inline]

This function writes a string to the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.

void oaPackedData::writeTime oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaTime    val
const [inline]

This function writes an oaTime value to the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.

void oaPackedData::writeUInt2 oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt2    val
const [inline]

This function writes an oaUInt2 value to the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.

void oaPackedData::writeUInt2Array oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt4    numObjects,
const oaUInt2 *    val

This function writes an oaUInt2 array to the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written. This operation is 4-byte aligned.

void oaPackedData::writeUInt4 oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt4    val
const [inline]

This function writes an oaUInt4 value to the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.

void oaPackedData::writeUInt4Array oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt4    numObjects,
const oaUInt4 *    val

This function writes an oaUInt4 array to the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.

void oaPackedData::writeUInt8 oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt8    val
const [inline]

This function writes an oaUInt8 value to the packed data at the specified location. The location index is aligned and then incremented past the data that is written.

void oaPackedData::writeUInt8Array oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt4    numObjects,
const oaUInt8 *    val

This function writes an oaUInt8 array to the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.

void oaPackedData::writeUnalignedUInt4 oaUInt4 &    loc,
oaUInt4    val
const [inline]

This function writes an unaligned UInt4 array to the packed data at the specified location. The location index is then incremented past the data that is written.

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