oaSpiceNS Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaSpiceNS:


Public Methods

 oaSpiceNS ()

Detailed Description

The oaSpiceNS class implements the Spice name space used in name mapping. In conjunction with the oaName object, the oaSpiceNS class facilitates mapping between the Spice name space and the native name space. See the Name Mapping Section of the Programmer's Guide for more information.

The Spice name space reflects the rules for creating names using the HSPICE syntax. The name space is case insensitive. The Spice name space supports scalar, vector bit, and hierarchical names. There are no keywords in this name space since keywords in Spice are position sensitive.

Note that bus characters in the Spice name space are defined by the left square bracket ([) and the right square bracket (]). These characters are normal characters in Spice. If a name ends with the open and close bus characters enclosing only digits, the name becomes a vector bit name. Otherwise, a name that contains the '[' or ']' character is just a scalar name in Spice.

See the Spice Name Space Section of the Programmer's Guide for a more detailed description of the characteristics of the Spice name space.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


This function constructs the oaSpiceNS instance.

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