Name Mapping

Names are not simply strings. All names are represented by a string PLUS the "name space" where the rules for interpreting that string are defined. A name space refers to one set of rules for creating and interpreting legal names within an application. Name mapping applies consistent, predictable naming conventions to transform names between different name spaces. The standard algorithmic one-to-one name mapping implemented in the OpenAccess database ensures that names can be mapped among all name spaces, that names do not collide, and that the meaning of names is not altered when they are mapped.

Often, applications use one given name space everywhere to make calls, access names, and so on. Other applications allow users to set the name space where they want to work, or can work in different name spaces at different times, depending on the task they are performing. The OpenAccess database supports a number of name spaces. When you use the OpenAccess API, any time you use or retrieve a name string, you specify in which name space this string belongs.

It is possible for programmers to design their own namespaces for OpenAccess to use. For guidelines on how to do this see the topic Deriving Your Own Name Space.

The Name Mapping Challenge

Ad hoc name mapping fails in a complex flow

Ad hoc name mapping fails in a complex flow

Name mapping can be a challenge because different applications use different rules for forming names. Because it is critical for design flows to use names to reference a given object at different places in the design flow, it is also critical for a database to understand the name space where a name is used.

Some systems do not deal with name mapping internally; they are designed to simply use the names they receive and do no name manipulation inside the database. In this case, it is the user's responsibility to ensure that names are treated consistently.

The OpenAccess database includes name mapping capabilities. The responsibility for mapping names does not need to take place within the applications in the flow, but rather is handled by the database. The management of names is part of the OpenAccess database itself, so the database always understands what name space a name came from and can always appropriately change that name when you write it.

Even though the OpenAccess database maps names between applications automatically, understanding name mapping helps you recognize how names can change when you use data from other applications.

When you have to enter names in multiple places in a design flow where the names must match each other, you need to know how to form the corresponding name in multiple name spaces. For example:

In other words, a library called MYLIB in VHDL is subsequently used in Verilog as mylib. This library must be defined in the cds.lib file with a statement such as:

	DEFINE mylib /usr/libs/mylibdir 

OpenAccess overcomes the name mapping difficulties by including a name mapping interface right in the database to avoid forcing the name mapping into the flow.

Database-centric flow with name mapping in database interface

Database-centric flow with name mapping in database interface

The Name Mapping Algorithm

OpenAccess uses algorithmic name mapping to map names between different name spaces.

Algorithmic name mapping does not solve certain problems such as mapping names to another representation where the design has been modified.

How Name Mapping Works in General

To properly handle the variety of names in different tools, each application applies the correct name space for each file format it handles. A port or pin of an instance might be called i1/addr<3:0> on a schematic. In Verilog, this name becomes i1.addr[3:0], and in VHDL it becomes i1:addr(3 downto 0). Each part of these names has a specific meaning.

Name Item Explanation
i1 An identifier (an instance name in this case)
slash ( / ), period ( . ), colon ( : ) A hierarchy delimiter
addr An identifier (a port/pin name in this case)
<3:0>, [3:0], (3 downto 0) A vector expression

Understanding Case Sensitivity

The majority of EDA tools are case sensitive. However, VHDL and the Windows file system (Win) are case-insensitive name spaces.

To provide a one-to-one mapping between case-sensitive and case-insensitive name spaces, case cannot be preserved in this mapping. For example, if a Verilog name StopGap were to become StopGap in VHDL, and if the Verilog name stopgap were to become stopgap in VHDL, then two different Verilog names would become a single VHDL name.

To handle this situation, OpenAccess name mapping rules map all case-insensitive letters as lowercase case-sensitive letters. Case-sensitive uppercase letters map to escaped names in VHDL. In the Win name space, the algorithm precedes them with a percent sign ( % ), so that the Verilog name GORP becomes %G%O%R%P.

Handling Illegal Characters

If a name contains characters that are illegal in the destination name space (even in any escaped form that name space may have), the algorithm uses character encoding to map the names. Characters that are illegal in the destination name space are replaced with a pound sign ( # ) followed by the character value encoded as two hexadecimal digits (0-9 or a-f; for example, #2a. The name a*b is represented as a#2ab in a name space that does not support the asterisk ( * ).

Types of Differences Among Name Spaces

Keywords, case sensitivity, character set indexing, and hierarchy are handled differently in different name spaces. The following table shows some examples of how these components are handled.

DifferencesExamples of Name Space Rules
KeywordsThe string and is a keyword in Verilog and VHDL, while process is a keyword in VHDL but not in Verilog. Many name spaces have no keywords, such as CDBA and UNIX.
Case SensitivityIn VHDL, the name aaa refers to the same object as AAA. In CDBA or UNIX, these names are different.
Syntax and CharactersMany name spaces have an alternative way to include characters in names that would otherwise be illegal. In VHDL, \a+b*\ is a legal name because the backslashes ( \ ) escape the characters that are otherwise illegal. A normal Verilog name can contain a dollar sign ( $ ), but a VHDL name cannot unless it is escaped.
Bit IndicesSome name spaces have a way to indicate a name that is a particular bit of a vector. The syntax for these names and the characters used to set off the bit index from the rest of the name are different in different name spaces. The syntax for indicating a range of names in a vector also varies among name spaces. For example, <4>, [4], and (4) are all ways that certain name spaces use to indicate bit 4 of a vector. In some name spaces, the bit index character can be set by the caller.
HierarchyWhen using hierarchical designs, different name spaces use different hierarchy separators to indicate the hierarchical levels of a name. Theslash character ( / ) and period character ( . ) are common hierarchy characters. In some name spaces, the hierarchy character can be set by the caller.

Name Mapping Transformations

OpenAccess uses the following name mapping patterns when it implements a namespace:

In the following examples, the blank space  character in Verilog names is used to clearly document a blank space.

Examples of Name Mapping

TypeNative VHDL Verilog CDBA LEF/DEF SPEF SPF UNIX Win Spice
lowercase or case insensitive bigchip bigchip
bigchip bigchip bigchip bigchip bigchip bigchip bigchip
case sensitive mixed case BigChip \BigChip\ BigChip BigChip BigChip BigChip BigChip BigChip %Big%Chip %Big%Chip
keyword and \and\ \andblank space and and and and and and and
unneeded escape ESC_trash \trash\ ESC_trash ESC_trash ESC_trash ESC_trash ESC_trash ESC_trash %E%S%C_trash ESC_trash
embedded space foo bar \foo bar\ \foo#20barblank space foo#20bar foo%20bar foo#20bar foo#20bar foo#20bar foo#20bar foo#20bar
device names aux aux aux aux aux aux aux aux %%aux aux
back-slash \a\b \\\a\\b\ \\a\bblank space #5ca#5cb \\a\\b \\a\\b \\a\\b #5ca#5cb #5ca#5cb #5ca#5cb
bit index [ ] ( ) [ ] < > [ ] [ ] scalar only by default not
[ ]
hierarchy / : . / / / not
forward slash #2fa#2fb \/a/b\ \/a/bblank space #2fa#2fb \/a\/b \/a\/b \/a\/b #2fa#2fb #2fa#2fb a/b
special characters* a<1#3a2> \a<1:2>\ \a<1:2>blank space a#3c1:2#3e a<1:2> a\<\:2\> a<1\:2> a#3c1#3a2#3e a#3c1#3a2#3e a<1:2>

*    Although the special characters look similar to a name with an index expression, this row shows a name, with special characters, that is being used as an atomic name. The blank space character indicates a blank space.

Details of OpenAccess Name Spaces

OpenAccess natively supports the following name spaces:

Native Name Space

The general-purpose Native name space is case sensitive. This name space supports all types of names: hierarchical, scalar, vectorBit, vector, stepped, and bundle. There are no keywords in the Native name space. This name space does not support an escaped form.

All alphanumeric characters and symbols are allowed as Native normal names except the open bracket ( [ ), close bracket ( ] ), forward slash ( / ), colon ( : ), asterisk ( * ), pound ( # ), and comma ( , ).

When the hex delimiter appears in a Native name, it must be followed by two hex digits. The hex digits must only encode illegal characters or the hex delimiter in the Native name space.

For bundle names, commas ( , ) are used to separate the elements in the bundle. Also, any element can have a repeat count expressed as an integer and an asterisk ( * ) at the beginning of the name. If a bundle name is hierarchical, the hierarchy must be expressed on each element of the bundle name. For example, if the original bundle name is


then in a hierarchy (say A1/B1), this name can be specified as


VHDL Name Space

Each VHDL name is either in the normal form, ABC, or the escaped form \ABC\. Most names in a VHDL design are VHDL normal names. This name space does not support stepped or bundle names.

VHDL Normal Names

VHDL normal names are case insensitive. This means that the name AbC and the name abc are equivalent, and refer to the same object. VHDL normal names can contain letters, digits, or the underscore character. The first character must be a letter. All alphanumeric characters are allowed as VHDL normal names. The only symbol that is allowed is the underscore. The space is not allowed.

VHDL Escaped Names

VHDL escaped names are case sensitive, unlike normal VHDL names. Escaped names always begin and end with a backslash ( \ ). This means that the name \AbC\ and the name \aBc\ refer to two different objects.

A name in the VHDL normal name space and the same name in the VHDL escaped name space do not represent the same object. For example, the VHDL name abc and \abc\ refer to two different objects. To embed a backslash in an escaped name, use double backslashes.

If the original name was in the VHDL escaped form even though it was legal in the VHDL normal form, it must be returned to the escaped form, not the normal form. For example, \abc\ maps to CDBA ESC_abc, and it maps back to \abc\ in VHDL.

All alphanumeric characters and symbols, as well as spaces, are allowed as VHDL escaped names.

VHDL93 Keywords Not Allowed as VHDL Normal Identifiers

Verilog Name Space

Each Verilog name is either in the normal form, ABC, or the escaped form \ABCblank space. (Note: In this document, the blank space  character in Verilog names is used to clearly document a blank space.) Most names in a Verilog design are Verilog normal names. If you need to represent names that are illegal as Verilog normal names, use the Verilog escaped name space. For example, the name and in the CDBA name space maps to the Verilog escaped name \andblank space because and is a Verilog keyword. All Verilog names are case sensitive. This means that the name AbC and the name abc refer to two different objects. This name space does not support stepped or bundle names.

Verilog Normal Names

Verilog normal names can contain letters, digits, the underscore character, and the dollar sign ( $ ). The first character cannot be a digit or a dollar sign. All letters and digits are allowed as Verilog normal names. The space is not allowed.

Verilog Escaped Names

Verilog escaped names always begin with a backslash ( \ ) and end with a space. Verilog escaped names are also case sensitive. This means that the name \AbCblank space and the name \aBcblank space refer to two different objects.

Although any name can be escaped, only those names that might not be represented in the Verilog normal name space due to character restrictions or keywords must be escaped. A name in the Verilog normal name space and the exact same name in the Verilog escaped name space represent the same object. For example, the Verilog name abc and \abcblank space refer to the same object.

All alphanumeric characters and symbols are allowed in Verilog escaped names.

Keywords Not Allowed as Verilog Identifiers

CDBA Name Space

CDBA names are case sensitive. This means that the name AbC and the name abc refer to two different objects. There are no keywords in CDBA. This name space supports all types of names: hierarchical, scalar, vectorBit, vector, stepped, and bundle. This name space does not support an escaped form.

All alphanumeric characters and symbols are allowed as CDBA names except the comma ( , ), backslash ( \ ), forward slash ( / ), colon ( : ), back tick (`), and opening ( < ) and closing ( > ) angle brackets. Leading and trailing spaces are allowed, but embedded spaces are not. Opening and closing parentheses are allowed if they are not preceded by a delimiter and only if they enclose digits.

Hierarchical Names

CDBA-based applications (that support physical hierarchy) represent physical hierarchy from multiple oaDesigns with a slash (/). However, this form of hierarchy representation is not provided by the OpenAccess name-mapping functions. The OpenAccess CDBA namespace uses a back tick (`) as the hierarchy delimiter instead, and most applications regard this as a flattened name without hierarchy. It is the responsibility of the application to manage this.

Using Vector Expressions in Multiple-Bit Net Names

A multiple-bit net name can be a bundle, a bus, or a combination of both. You can improve readability in your designs by shortening multiple-bit net names.

To indicate that multiple bits of one net carry similar information, give each bit the same base name, then add a suffix to each bit name to distinguish the signals.

For example, to show four bits of a net with a common base name (DATA), but with individual suffixes (<0>, <1>, <2>, and <3>), assign the following names:

Using Vector Expressions in Multiple Signals

To name a wire that contains multiple signals with the same base name, specify the base name followed by a vector expression. The vector expression can be:

The ordering of the bits in a bus is important when you are connecting the bus to a pin that has a width greater than 1.

Evaluating Vector Expressions in Multiple-Bit Net Names

The system evaluates vector expressions in multiple-bit net names as follows:

Using Prefix Repeat Operators in Multiple-Bit Net Names

A multiple-bit net name can be a bundle, a bus, or a combination of the two. You can improve readability in your designs by shortening multiple-bit net names.

You can repeat a single signal name, a group of signal names, or a vector term any number of times in the net name by placing a prefix repeat operator <*n> in front of the name, where n is a positive integer that defines the number of times to repeat each bit in the vector term.

Using Suffix Repeat Operators in Multiple-Bit Net Names

A multiple-bit net name can be a bundle, a bus, or a combination of both. You can improve readability in your designs by shortening multiple-bit net names using vector expressions.

A suffix repeat operator is a number, <*n>, after a vector term, where n is a positive integer that defines the number of times to repeat each bit in the vector term.

LEF/DEF Name Space

The LEF name space is case sensitive, with programmable bus characters. There are no keywords, as keywords in LEF are position sensitive. This name space does not support hierarchical, vector, stepped or bundle names.

The DEF name space is case sensitive, with programmable bus characters and a programmable hierarchy character. The default bus characters are opening ( [ ) and closing ( ] ) square brackets. The default hierarchy character is a forward slash ( / ). This name space does not support vector, stepped, or bundle names. There are no keywords, as keywords in DEF are position sensitive.

With the exception of the space character, the newline character, and the semicolon ( ; ), names containing characters that are illegal in the LEF and DEF name spaces can be escaped using the backslash ( \ ) character. This is a single-character escape, so each non-normal character must be escaped individually. If a bus delimiter or hierarchy character is escaped, it loses it meaning regarding busses or hierarchy and is just another character in the name.

The LEF/DEF name space does not support multi-bit names. An oacVectorNameInvalid exception is thrown if the LEF/DEF name space is used to get a string from a vector name. An oacBundleNameInvalid exception is thrown if the LEF/DEF name space is used to get a string from a bundle name.

In addition, the LEF name space does not support hierarchical names or indexed names. oacHierNameInvalid and oacIndexedNameInvalid exceptions are thrown respectively.

A name with a double vector notation (name[1][2]) becomes a vectorBitName with the first bus notation escaped internally (name\[1\][2]).

A name with a bus notation in the middle of the name becomes a scalarName with the bus notation escaped (name[1]a becomes name\[1\]a internally).

When getting the string from the name, the escaping is undone, so you get the original name back.


SPEF Name Space

The SPEF name space is case sensitive, with a programmable pin delimiter character, hierarchy character, and bus delimiter characters. Since the SPEF name space describes scalar connectivity, there is no bit delimiter or repeat operator.

SPEF normal names can include all alphanumeric characters, the underscore character ( _ ), and the declared delimiter characters without escaping. This name space does not support vector, stepped, or bundle names. There are no keywords.

The pin delimiter separates the instance and terminal portions of a path name. The period ( . ), forward slash ( / ), colon ( : ), or pipe ( | ) characters can be used as a pin delimiter. The default pin delimiter character is a colon ( : ).

The hierarchy character delimits the hierarchy. The period ( . ), forward slash ( / ), colon ( : ), or pipe ( | ) characters can be used as a hierarchy delimiter. The default hierarchy delimiter character is a forward slash ( / ).

The bus delimiter characters specify the opening and closing bus values. The following characters can be used as bus delimiters:

Open { ( < : . [
Close } ) > : . ]

The default bus characters are the opening ( [ ) and closing ( ] ) square brackets. The bus delimiter characters cannot be the same as the hierarchy or pin delimiter characters. The closing bus character must be paired with the corresponding opening bus character. If the opening bus character is a colon ( : ) or a period ( . ), the closing bus character can be omitted.

The SPEF name space does not support multi-bit names. An oacVectorNameInvalid exception is thrown if the SPEF name space is used to get a string from a vector name. An oacBundleNameInvalid exception is thrown if the SPEF name space is used to get a string from a bundle name.

The backslash ( \ ) is the escape character in the SPEF name space. This is a single-character escape, so each non-normal character must be escaped individually. If a bus delimiter or hierarchy character is escaped, it loses it meaning regarding busses or hierarchy and is just another character in the name. An escaped regular character simply maps to itself. The following special characters must be escaped on a character-by-character basis in the SPEF name space:

 " ! # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ { } ~

A name with a double vector notation (name[1][2]) becomes a vectorBitName with the first bus notation escaped internally (name\[1\][2]).

A name with a bus notation in the middle of the name becomes a scalarName with the bus notation escaped (name[1]a becomes name\[1\]a internally).

When getting the string from the name, the escaping is undone, so you get the original name back.

SPF Name Space

The SPF name space is case sensitive, with a programmable pin delimiter character, hierarchy character, and bus delimiter characters. Since the SPF name space describes scalar connectivity, there is no bit delimiter or repeat operator.

SPF normal names can include all alphanumeric characters, the underscore ( _ ), and the declared delimiter characters without escaping. Spaces, tabs, and newline characters are not allowed. This name space does not support vector, stepped, or bundle names. There are no keywords.

The pin delimiter separates the instance and terminal portions of a path name. Any printable character can be used as a pin delimiter. The default pin delimiter character is a colon ( : ).

The hierarchy character delimits the hierarchy. Any printable character can be used as a hierarchy delimiter. The default hierarchy delimiter character is a forward slash ( / ).

The bus delimiter characters specify the opening and closing bus values. Any printable character can be used as a bus delimiter. There is no default bus delimiter character. If no bus delimiter characters are defined, no names are interpreted as bus bits.

The SPF name space does not support multi-bit names. An oacVectorNameInvalid exception is thrown if the SPF name space is used to get a string from a vector name. An oacBundleNameInvalid exception is thrown if the SPF name space is used to get a string from a bundle name.

The backslash ( \ ) is the escape character in the SPF name space. This is a single-character escape, so each non-normal character must be escaped individually. If a bus delimiter or hierarchy character is escaped, it loses it meaning regarding busses or hierarchy and is just another character in the name. An escaped regular character simply maps to itself. The following special characters must be escaped on a character-by-character basis in the SPF name space:

 " ! # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ { } ~

UNIX and Windows Name Spaces

In the FileSys DM system, cell names and view names are written as directories using the appropriate name space for each file system. For cells and views stored on UNIX systems, this is the UNIX namespace. For cell and views stored on windows systems, this is the Windows namespace.

UNIX Name Space

The UNIX name space is used for library names in lib.defs files. It is also used for cell and view directory names in libraries that are stored on UNIX systems. This name space does not support hierarchical, indexed, vector, stepped, or bundle names. The UNIX name space follows the rules for creating directory names on UNIX systems, except that it is more restrictive. Many characters, such as the period ( . ) and the comma ( , ) that are legal in the file system are not allowed in the UNIX name space.

The UNIX name space is a case sensitive name space; for example, the filenames abc and AbC refer to different directories.

All alphanumeric characters plus the underscore ( _ ), at sign ( @ ), and pound sign ( # ) are allowed in UNIX names.

UNIX uses the pound sign ( # ) followed by two hex digits to map characters that are otherwise illegal.

The Unix name space does not support multi-bit names. An oacVectorNameInvalid exception is thrown if the Unix name space is used to get a string from a vector name. An oacBundleNameInvalid exception is thrown if the Unix name space is used to get a string from a bundle name. In addition, hierarchical names or indexed names are not supported. oacHierNameInvalid and oacIndexedNameInvalid exceptions are thrown respectively.

Windows Name Space

The Windows name space is used for cell and view subdirectories on Windows libraries. Windows is a case-insensitive name space, but case-preserving. This means the filenames abc and AbC are the same file, and only one of them can exist in any given directory. This name space does not support hierarchical, indexed, vector, stepped, or bundle names.

The Windows name space allows digits, the underscore character ( _ ), the at sign ( @ ), the percent sign ( % ) if followed by an uppercase letter or keyword, and the pound sign ( # ). Several names are reserved by Windows. These can be thought of as keywords that are illegal names. The keywords are:

	com0 - com9
	lpt0 - lpt9

Windows uses the pound sign ( # ) followed by two hex digits to map characters that are otherwise illegal.

Windows uses the percent sign ( % ) to map case-sensitive uppercase letters. An X in Verilog becomes %X in Windows.

Windows also uses the percent sign ( % ) to map names that would otherwise look like reserved names. For example, a cell named lpt4 in a UNIX library is called %%lpt4 in a Windows library.

The Windows name space does not support multi-bit names. An oacVectorNameInvalid exception is thrown if the Windows name space is used to get a string from a vector name. An oacBundleNameInvalid exception is thrown if the Windows name space is used to get a string from a bundle name. In addition, hierarchical names or indexed names are not supported. oacHierNameInvalid and oacIndexedNameInvalid exceptions are thrown respectively.

Spice Name Space

The Spice name space is case insensitive and case preserving. The name space supports hierarchical, scalar, and vectorBit names. This name space does not have keywords since keywords in Spice are position sensitive. This name space does not support vector or bundle names.

Spice normal names must begin with an alphabetical character or one of the following symbols:

 # ! _ %

To map two unequal strings from a case sensitive name space to two unequal names in oaSpiceNS, the % character is used as an upper case delimiter. The strings abc and Abc in nativeNS map respectively to abc and %Abc in oaSpiceNS.

If a name is initialized in oaSpiceNS with the strings %Abc or %abc, this is mapped to Abc in a case sensitive name space such as oaNativeNS. If the % character is followed by an alphabetical character, the alphabetical character is mapped to an uppercase alphabetical character in any other case sensitive name space. If the % character is followed by any other character, for example a numeric such as %1Abc from a Spice name, it is mapped to %1abc in oaNativeNS.

Spice normal names can include all alphanumeric characters and the following symbols:

 + - * / : ; $ # ! < > _ % [ ]

When a string ends with the open ( [ ) and close ( ] ) square brackets enclosing nothing but digits, the  [  and  ]  are interpreted as bus delimiter characters in Spice. The string is interpreted as a vectorBit name in this case. On the other hand, a string with square brackets that enclose characters other than digits is interpreted as a scalar name in Spice. For example, the string 'a[0]' is a vectorBit name in Spice, while the string 'a[abc]' and 'a[4:3] are just scalar names in Spice.

The Spice name space does not support multi-bit names. An oacVectorNameInvalid exception is thrown if the Spice name space is used to get a string from a vector name. An oacBundleNameInvalid exception is thrown if the Spice name space is used to get a string from a bundle name.

The hierarchy character ( . ), delimits the hierarchy.

The Spice name space uses the pound sign ( # ) followed by two hex digits to map characters that are otherwise illegal.

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