oaCustomVia Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaCustomVia:

oaVia oaRef oaPinFig oaConnFig oaFig oaBlockObject oaDesignObject oaObject

Public Methods

void getLibName (oaScalarName &libName) const
void getCellName (oaScalarName &cellName) const
void getViewName (oaScalarName &viewName) const
void getLibName (const oaNameSpace &ns, oaString &libName) const
void getCellName (const oaNameSpace &ns, oaString &cellName) const
void getViewName (const oaNameSpace &ns, oaString &viewName) const
oaCustomViaHeadergetHeader () const
void getParams (oaParamArray &params) const
void setParams (const oaParamArray &params)

Static Public Methods

oaCustomVia * create (oaBlock *block, const oaCustomViaDef *viaDef, const oaTransform &xform, const oaParamArray *params=NULL)

Detailed Description

The oaCustomVia class implements an object that represents a custom via. A custom via is an instance of a custom via definition which is implemented by the oaCustomViaDef object. A custom via definition is associated with a via master which is another design that defines the custom via. The via master may be parameterized and its parameters are specified through the use of an oaParamArray object.

A Pcell custom via can be created with a subset of the parameters defined in the superMaster. Any parameters not specified will become default parameters which will track changes in the superMaster's parameter value. When a parameter is specified during creation or any subsequence calls to setParam(), this parameter will not be classified as a default parameter even though its values equals to the default value in the superMaster.

A custom via may be used as an object associated with an oaRoute.

Member Function Documentation

oaCustomVia * oaCustomVia::create oaBlock *    block,
const oaCustomViaDef *    viaDef,
const oaTransform &    xform,
const oaParamArray *    params = NULL

This function creates a custom via with the specified attributes.

An exception is thrown if the via to be created uses a viaDef from a technology database that is not included in the referenced graph of technology databases for the technology database bound to the design containing the via.

An exception is thrown if the via to be created uses a customViaDef with the same name as an existing stdViaHeader.

block The block to create the custom via in
viaDef The viaDef to reference; it specifies the default values for the related custom via parameters
xform The transform to apply to the standard via
params A pointer to the custom via parameters; a NULL value specifies that default parameters are to be used

void oaCustomVia::getCellName const oaNameSpace &    ns,
oaString &    cellName

This function returns the cell name in the given namespace for the master design referenced by this custom via.

ns The namespace for the name
cellName The cell name for the master design

void oaCustomVia::getCellName oaScalarName &    cellName const

This function returns the cell name for the master design referenced by this custom via.

cellName The cell name for the master design

oaCustomViaHeader * oaCustomVia::getHeader   const

This function returns the custom via header associated with this custom via. This call only returns the parameters that is specified during creation or calls to setParams().

Reimplemented from oaVia.

void oaCustomVia::getLibName const oaNameSpace &    ns,
oaString &    libName

This function returns the library name in the given namespace for the master design referenced by this custom via.

ns The namespace for the library name
libName The library name for the master design

oaCustomVia::getLibName oaScalarName &    libName const

This function returns the library name for the master design referenced by this custom via.

libName The library name for the master design

void oaCustomVia::getParams oaParamArray &    params const

This function fills out params with the parameters of this custom via. Only Pcell custom vias have parameters. This call only returns parameters that were specified during creation or through calls setParams(). If invoked on a custom via that is not a Pcell or if no parameter is specified for the custom via, the returned params paramArray will have zero numParams.

void oaCustomVia::getViewName const oaNameSpace &    ns,
oaString &    viewName

This function returns the view name in the given namespace for the master design referenced by this custom via.

ns The namespace for the name
viewName The view name for the master design

void oaCustomVia::getViewName oaScalarName &    viewName const

This function returns the view name for the master design referenced by this custom via.

viewName The view name for the master design

void oaCustomVia::setParams const oaParamArray &    params

This function changes the values of the custom via parameters associated with this custom via.

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