Inheritance diagram for oaBlock:
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The oaBlock class can be observed by deriving from oaObserver<oaBlock>.
This function creates the top block in the specified design. The visibleToModule argument specifies whether the block data in the design is to be visible to the module domain or not. Note! It is possible to specify when a creating a connectivity object whether or not that object is visible to the module domain. If the block is visible to the module domain, a top module will be created if it does not, or the existing top module will be set to be visible to block. Exceptions are thrown if the top block already exists, or if is tries to create a block which is not visible to module domain in a design with module, or if there's a conflict on the names with the existing modules.
This function destroys this block. All objects that belong to this block also will be destroyed. |
This function returns a collection of assignments in this block. |
This function returns the bounding box of this oaDesign object. If the bounding box is out of date, it is updated.
This function returns a collection of blockages in this block. |
This function returns a collection of area boundaries in this block. |
This function returns a collection of busNetDefs in this block. |
This function returns a collection of busTermDefs in this block. |
This function returns a collection of clusters in this block. |
This function returns a collection of connectDefs in this block. |
This function returns the database-units-per-user-units scale factor for this block. |
This function returns the constraint group for this block. Constraints in this constraint group apply to all of the objects within the block. A new group is created if no constraints exist on the block. |
This function gets the electrically equivalent master (EEQMaster) of this block. If an EEQMaster does not exist, an empty string is returned. |
This function returns a collection of the figGroups in this block. |
This function returns the gCell patterns of this block. |
This function returns a collection of guides in this block. |
This function returns a collection of instHeaders in this block. |
This function returns a collection of instances in this block. The filter flag bits are defined below and may be logically OR'd together to refine the contents of the collection.
This function returns a collection of instTerms in this block.
This function returns a collection of layerHeaders in this block. |
This function returns a collection of layer/purpose pair headers in this block. |
This function returns a collection of markers in this block. |
This function returns the top module that corresponds to this block. The top block in a design may have a corresponding top module. The correspondence of a top module and a top block is established by the visibleToBlock parameter passed to oaDesign::setTopModule and the visibleToModule parameter passed to oaBlock::create. This function returns NULL if this block does not have a corresponding top module, meaning this block is not visible in the module domain. |
This function returns a collection of nets in this block. The filter flag bits are defined below:
This function returns a collection of pins in this block. |
This function returns a collection of routes in this block. |
This function returns a collection of rowHeaders in this block. |
This function returns a collection of rows in this block. |
This function returns a collection of scan chains in this block. |
This function returns a collection of shapes in this block. |
This function returns the site pattern of this design. |
This function returns a collection of Steiners in this block. |
This function returns the symmetry associated with this block. |
This function returns a collection of terms in this block. The filter flag bits are defined below:
This function retrieves the terminals in this block that have been assigned a position and returns them in the specified oaTermArray. A position in the array may be NULL to reflect that there is no terminal assigned to that position. The position of a terminal in the array reflects the position assigned to the terminal. |
This function returns a collection of trackPatterns in this block. |
This function returns the requested user-unit information for the block. |
This function returns a collection of vectorInstDefs in this block. |
This function returns a collection of viaHeaders in this block. |
This function returns a collection of vias in this block. |
This function returns true if this block contains any connectivity. |
This function returns a boolean indicating whether there are constraints associated with this block. |
This function returns true if this block contains any global nets. |
This function returns true if this block contains any multiple bit nets. |
This function returns true if this block contains any multiple bit terminals. |
This function returns true if this block contains any nets that have more than one terminal associated with it. |
This function initializes the regionQuery structures used by this block and all blocks bound into its hierarchy. This can be used to do all the prep work at once rather than doing it on demand. |
This function returns a boolean indicating whether this block is visible to the module domain. |
This function sets the electrically equivalent master of this design. |
This function sets the site pattern of this design. |
This function sets the symmetry of this block. |
This function sets this block to be visible to the module domain. If this block is already visible to module, this function does nothing. Otherwise, this function creates a top module which inherits all the existing occ/block objects in the top occurrence (top block), then sets the top block to be visible to module. |
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