oaMarker Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaMarker:

oaFig oaBlockObject oaDesignObject oaObject

Public Methods

void transform (oaDouble scale, oaDouble angle)
void addObject (oaBlockObject *obj)
void removeObject (oaBlockObject *obj)
oaBoolean isVisible () const
oaBoolean isClosed () const
oaMarkerSeverity getSeverity () const
void getPoints (oaPointArray &points) const
void getMsg (oaString &msg) const
void getShortMsg (oaString &shortMsg) const
void getTool (oaString &tool) const
oaMarkerDeleteWhen getDeleteWhen () const
void setIsVisible (oaBoolean val)
void setIsClosed (oaBoolean val)
void setSeverity (oaMarkerSeverity severity)
void setPoints (const oaPointArray &points)
void setMsg (const oaString &msg)
void setShortMsg (const oaString &shortMsg)
void setTool (const oaString &tool)
void setDeleteWhen (oaMarkerDeleteWhen deleteWhen)
oaCollection< oaBlockObject, oaMarker > getObjects () const

Static Public Methods

oaMarker * create (oaBlock *block, const oaPointArray &points, const oaString &msg, const oaString &shortMsg, const oaString &tool, oaBoolean isVisible, oaBoolean isClosed, oaMarkerSeverity severity, oaMarkerDeleteWhen deleteWhen=oacDeleteOnFirst)

Public Types

enum  { dtIndex = oacMarkerDataType }

Detailed Description

The oaMarker class implements a marker object. The intent of marker objects is to support the ability to indicate design violations and the objects that are causing the violation. A marker allows you to

The oaMarker class can be observed by deriving from oaObserver<oaMarker>.

Member Function Documentation

void oaMarker::addObject oaBlockObject *    object

This function adds the specified object to the list of objects associated with the marker. An oacObjectAlreadyOnMarker exception is thrown if the object already exists on the marker.


oaMarker * oaMarker::create oaBlock *    block,
const oaPointArray &    points,
const oaString &    msg,
const oaString &    shortMsg,
const oaString &    tool,
oaBoolean    isVisible,
oaBoolean    isClosed,
oaMarkerSeverity    severity,
oaMarkerDeleteWhen    deleteWhen = oacDeleteOnFirst

This function creates a new marker in the specified block with the given attributes. There is no check if a marker already exists with the specified attributes.

oaMarkerDeleteWhen oaMarker::getDeleteWhen   const

This function returns the deleteWhen attribute of this marker.

void oaMarker::getMsg oaString &    msg const

This function gets the message string associated with this marker.

oaCollection oaMarker::getObjects   const

This function returns the collection of objects associated with this marker.

void oaMarker::getPoints oaPointArray &    points const

This function fills out points with the pointArray of this marker.

oaMarkerSeverity oaMarker::getSeverity   const

This function returns the severity attribute associated with this marker.

void oaMarker::getShortMsg oaString &    shortMsg const

This function gets the short message string associated with this marker.

void oaMarker::getTool oaString &    tool const

This function gets the tool string associated with this marker.

oaBoolean oaMarker::isClosed   const

This function returns a boolean that indicates whether the pointArray associated with this marker is closed.

oaBoolean oaMarker::isVisible   const

This function returns a boolean that indicates if this marker is visible.

void oaMarker::removeObject oaBlockObject *    obj

This function removes the specified object from the list of objects associated with this marker. This function does nothing if the object is not associated with this marker.


void oaMarker::setDeleteWhen oaMarkerDeleteWhen    deleteWhen

This function changes the deleteWhen attribute of this marker to the specified deleteWhen value.

void oaMarker::setIsClosed oaBoolean    val

This function is used to indicate whether the pointArray associated with this marker is closed or not.

void oaMarker::setIsVisible oaBoolean    val

This function is used to indicate whether or not this marker is visible.

void oaMarker::setMsg const oaString &    msg

This function sets the message string associated with this marker.

void oaMarker::setPoints const oaPointArray &    points

This function sets the pointArray of this marker to the value specified.

void oaMarker::setSeverity oaMarkerSeverity    severity

This function sets the severity attribute of this marker.

void oaMarker::setShortMsg const oaString &    shortMsg

This function sets the short message string associated with this marker.

void oaMarker::setTool const oaString &    tool

This function sets the tool string associated with this marker.

void oaMarker::transform oaDouble    scale,
oaDouble    angle

This function transforms this marker by the specified scale factor and rotation angle.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Enumeration values:

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