oaBlockObject Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaBlockObject:

oaDesignObject oaObject oaAssignment oaBlock oaBusNetDef oaBusTermDef oaCluster oaCMap oaConnectDef oaFig oaFigGroupMem oaGCellPattern oaInstTerm oaLayerHeader oaLPPHeader oaNet oaOccShape oaPin oaRefHeader oaRowHeader oaScanChain oaScanChainInst oaScanChainSet oaTerm oaTrackPattern oaVectorInstDef

Public Methods

oaBoolean isNet () const
oaBoolean isBitNet () const
oaBoolean isTerm () const
oaBoolean isBitTerm () const
oaBoolean isInst () const
oaBoolean isBitInst () const
oaBoolean isAssignment () const
oaBoolean isConnectDef () const
oaBoolean isFig () const
oaBoolean isConnFig () const
oaBoolean isPinFig () const
oaBoolean isShape () const
oaBoolean isOccShape () const
oaBoolean isBlockage () const
oaBoolean isTextDisplay () const
oaBoolean isOccTextDisplay () const
oaBoolean isRef () const
oaBoolean isBoundary () const
oaBoolean isVia () const
oaBoolean isViaHeader () const
oaBlockgetBlock ()
oaCollection< oaMarker, oaBlockObject > getMarkersOwnedBy () const

Public Types

enum  { domain = oacBlockDomain }

Detailed Description

The oaBlockObject class is an abstract base class for all physical objects in a design database. For the classes derived from oaBlockObject that are themselves base classes, oaBlockObject has functions to test for membership in that base class.

Member Function Documentation

oaBlock * oaBlockObject::getBlock  

This function returns the oaBlock that contains this object.

oaCollection oaBlockObject::getMarkersOwnedBy   const

This function returns a collection of markers in this block.

oaBoolean oaBlockObject::isAssignment   const

This function determines if this object is an instance of one of the classes derived from the oaAssignment class. The function returns a boolean value of true if the oaBlockObject is an oaAssignment object.

oaBoolean oaBlockObject::isBitInst   const

This function determines if this object is an instance of one of the classes derived from the oaBitInst class. The function returns a boolean value of true if the oaBlockObject is an oaBitInst object.

oaBoolean oaBlockObject::isBitNet   const

This function determines if this object is an instance of one of the classes derived from the oaBitNet class. The function returns a boolean value of true if the oaBlockObject is an oaBitNet object.

oaBoolean oaBlockObject::isBitTerm   const

This function determines if this object is an instance of one of the classes derived from the oaBitTerm class. The function returns a boolean value of true if the oaBlockObject is an oaBitTerm object.

oaBoolean oaBlockObject::isBlockage   const

This function determines if this object is an instance of one of the classes derived from the oaBlockage class. This function returns a boolean value of true if the oaBlockObject is an oaBlockage object.

oaBoolean oaBlockObject::isBoundary   const

This function determines if this object is an instance of one of the classes derived from the oaBoundary class. This function returns a boolean value of true if the oaBlockObject is an oaBoundary object.

oaBoolean oaBlockObject::isConnectDef   const

This function determines if this object is an instance of one of the classes derived from the oaConnectDef class. The function returns a boolean value of true if the oaBlockObject is an oaConnectDef.

oaBoolean oaBlockObject::isConnFig   const

This function determines if this object is an instance of one of the classes derived from the oaConnFig class. The function returns a boolean value of true if the oaBlockObject is a connectivity figure.

oaBoolean oaBlockObject::isFig   const

This function determines if this object is an instance of one of the classes derived from the oaFig class. The function returns a boolean value of true if the oaBlockObject is a figure.

oaBoolean oaBlockObject::isInst   const

This function determines if this object is an instance of one of the classes derived from the oaInst class. The function returns a boolean value of true if the oaBlockObject is an instance.

oaBoolean oaBlockObject::isNet   const

This function determines if this object is an instance of one of the classes derived from the oaNet class. The function returns a boolean value of true if the oaBlockObject is a net.

oaBoolean oaBlockObject::isOccShape   const

This function determines if this object is an instance of one of the classes derived from the oaOccShape class. The function returns a boolean value of true if the oaBlockObject is an occShape.

oaBoolean oaBlockObject::isOccTextDisplay   const

This function determines if this object is an instance of one of the classes derived from the oaOccTextDisplay class. The function returns a boolean value of true if the oaBlockObject is an occTextDisplay.

oaBoolean oaBlockObject::isPinFig   const

This function determines if this object is an instance of one of the classes derived from the oaPinFig class. The function returns a boolean value of true if the oaBlockObject is a pin figure.

oaBoolean oaBlockObject::isRef   const

This function determines if this object is an instance of one of the classes derived from the oaRef class. The function returns a boolean value of true if the oaBlockObject is an oaRef.

oaBoolean oaBlockObject::isShape   const

This function determines if this object is an instance of one of the classes derived from the oaShape class. The function returns a boolean value of true if the oaBlockObject is a shape.

oaBoolean oaBlockObject::isTerm   const

This function determines if this object is an instance of one of the classes derived from the oaTerm class. The function returns a boolean value of true if the oaBlockObject is a terminal.

oaBoolean oaBlockObject::isTextDisplay   const

This function determines if this object is an instance of one of the classes derived from the oaTextDisplay class. The function returns a boolean value of true if the oaBlockObject is a textDisplay object.

oaBoolean oaBlockObject::isVia   const

This function determines if this object is an instance of one of the classes derived from the oaVia class. The function returns a boolean value of true if the oaBlockObject is an oaVia.

oaBoolean oaBlockObject::isViaHeader   const

This function determines if this object is an instance of one of the classes derived from the oaViaHeader class. The function returns a boolean value of true if the oaBlockObject is a via header.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Enumeration values:

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