Inheritance diagram for oaNet:
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Public Methods | |
void | destroy () |
oaBoolean | isEmpty () const |
oaBoolean | isImplicit () const |
oaBoolean | isGlobal () const |
oaUInt4 | getNumBits () const |
oaBitNet * | getBit (oaUInt4 bitIndex) const |
void | getName (oaName &name) const |
void | getName (const oaNameSpace &ns, oaString &name) const |
oaSigType | getSigType () const |
oaInt4 | getPriority () const |
oaSource | getSource () const |
void | setGlobal (oaBoolean isGlobal) |
void | setSigType (const oaSigType &sigType) |
void | setPriority (oaInt4 priority) |
void | setSource (oaSource source) |
oaBoolean | hasDefaultConstraintGroup () const |
oaConstraintGroup * | getDefaultConstraintGroup () const |
void | transfer (oaNet *fromNet) |
void | merge (oaNet *fromNet) |
void | scalarize () |
oaOccNet * | getOccNet () const |
oaCollection< oaGuide, oaNet > | getGuides (oaBoolean includeRouteGuides=true) const |
oaCollection< oaInstTerm, oaNet > | getInstTerms (oaUInt4 filterFlags=oacInstTermIterNotImplicit) const |
oaCollection< oaOccNet, oaNet > | getOccNets (const oaOccurrence *top) const |
oaCollection< oaPin, oaNet > | getPins () const |
oaCollection< oaRoute, oaNet > | getRoutes () const |
oaCollection< oaShape, oaNet > | getShapes (oaUInt4 filterFlags=oacShapeIterNetRoutes) const |
oaCollection< oaBitNet, oaNet > | getSingleBitMembers () const |
oaCollection< oaSteiner, oaNet > | getSteiners () const |
oaCollection< oaTerm, oaNet > | getTerms (oaUInt4 filterflags=oacTermIterNotImplicit) const |
oaCollection< oaVia, oaNet > | getVias (oaUInt4 filterFlags=oacViaIterNetRoutes) const |
oaMemNetCollection | getMemberNets (oaBoolean unique=true) const |
Static Public Methods | |
oaNet * | create (oaBlock *block, const oaName &name, oaSigType sigType=oacSignalSigType, oaBoolean isGlobal=false, oaBlockDomainVisibility view=oacInheritFromTopBlock) |
oaNet * | find (const oaBlock *block, const oaName &name) |
oaBoolean | isValidName (const oaBlock *block, const oaName &name) |
Public Types | |
enum | { dtIndex = oacNetDataType } |
oaNet objects are always in the block domain. Nets span the domains in a design. An oaNet may have one or more equivalent oaModNet's in the module hierarchy and will have an equivalent oaOccNet in the occurrence hierarchy.
All nets have names. These names can be assigned by the creator. For scalar nets, a name can be automatically assigned by the database.
Multi-bit nets represent a collection of logical connections. Nets can include busNets having a single base name with an index range, or they can include bundleNets, which are a more complex grouping of nets. Multi-bit nets can have overlapping names. For example, busNets addr<7:0>
and addr<3:0>
All busNets with the same root name are managed by an oaBusNetDef. The busNetDef tracks:
The busNetBits are automatically created for each bit of a busNet, if they do not already exist. They are available for those applications performing scalarized connectivity traversal of the data.
Bundle nets can contain scalar nets or buses. When an oaBundleNet is created, the constituent scalarNets and busNets are automatically created in addition to the bundleNet itself.
All automatically created net objects are considered "implicit." Filter flags can be used by net iterators so that implicit nets are not visited when traversing. Implicit nets are more restricted in terms of the operations that are allowed to work with them. Implicit nets can not be explicitly destroyed by the user. Certain attributes can only be set on explicit net objects--for example, parasitic confidence. Implicit nets can become explicit when a caller explicitly creates a net with the same name.
Names are normally associated with nets. The various net objects take and return names through the general oaName object but also use the oaScalarName, oaVectorBitName, oaVectorName, and oaBundleName objects. These name objects manage the mapping of names from one nameSpace to another. For example, a net is created using the name in CDBA nameSpace; another application can retrieve the net's name in the Verilog nameSpace.
You can have two or more nets that are equivalent. Equivalent nets are traversed separately or logically as the same net. You can only set single-bit nets equivalent to each other.
You can associate geometric oaConnFig objects with nets: shapes, routes and guides. Nets are required in order to create other connectivity objects such as oaTerm objects.
The oaNet class can be observed by deriving from oaObserver<oaNet>.
This function creates a net in the specified design with the specified name. The type of net (oaScalarNet, oaBusNetBit, oaBusNet, or oaBundleNet) created is determined by the specified name. If the specified name is hierarchical, and the hierarchical portion of the path exists, and no oaOccNet with the specified name already exists, the net is created in the occurrence specifed by the path.
This function destroys this net, removing it from the database.
This function searches the specified block for a net with the specified name. If found, the function returns the net. Otherwise, NULL is returned. The path portion of the name must specify the path to an existing occurrence in the design. A hierarchical name is considered an alias that identifies an oaOccNet in the occurrence domain. If the specified name is hierarchical, the return value is the canonical net in the block domain for the specified alias.
This function returns a pointer to the net that corresponds to the specified bitIndex bit of this net. For scalarNets, this function simply returns the net. For busNets, the busNetBit corresponding to the bitIndex bit is returned. For example, if this net is a busNet "a[7:0]" and bitIndex is zero, this function will return the busNetBit corresponding to "a[7]". For bundleNets, a scalarNet or busNetBit is returned.
This function returns the constraint group for this oaNet. Constraints in this constraint group apply to all of the objects that make up the oaNet such as shapes, routes, pins and terminals. A new group is created if no constraints exist on the net.
This function returns a collection of guides associated with this net. An optional boolean parameter 'includeRouteGuides' allows the application to customize the collection of guides by either including or excluding the guides that are part of routes on this net. The default behavior is to return all guides that may be explicitly or implicitly on this net.
This function returns a collection of instTerms in this net. The filter flag bits are defined below and may be logically OR'd together to refine the contents of the collection.
This function returns a collection of nets of which this net is a member. For example, if a design contains scalar net In particular:
This function returns the name of this net in the specified nameSpace in the specified name string. |
This function returns the name of this net in the name argument. |
This function returns the number of bits in this net. |
This function returns the occurrence net that is the reflection of this block net in the context of the top occurrence of the design that contains the net. There may be multiple occurrences of the block net, but only one is selected as the representative occurrence net. The choice will remain consistent until the connectivity of the net (either in the block or the module domains) changes. |
This function returns a collection of the occurrences of this net in the occurrence hierarchy with the specified top occurrence.
This function returns a collection of pins on this net. |
This function returns the priority value of this net. If a priority has never been set, it will return 0. |
This function returns a collection of routes in this net. |
This function returns a collection of shapes on this net. An application can customize the collection of shapes on a net to include shapes (pathSegs) that are part of routes on the same net or shapes that implement pins on all the terminals on that net. The default is to include shapes in routes on the same net. The collection always includes shapes that are explicitly on that net. The filter flags can be specified as a bit-wise OR combination of the following: oacShapeIterNetOnly, oacShapeIterNetRoutes or oacShapeIterNetPins. oacShapeIterNetOnly is for stand-alone use only when a collection of shapes explicitly on the net is required. It is implied for oacShapeIterNetRoutes and oacShapeIterNetPins which can be used together and return the shapes in routes on this net or shapes implementing pins on this net's terminals. Note that the collection will never include shapes contained within vias associated with the net or the net's routes, and it will never include shapes contained within vias or instances associated with the net’s pins.
This function returns the signal type of this net. |
This function returns a collection of single-bit member nets that are in this net. If this net is a single-bit net, the collection contains itself. If this net is a busNet, the collection contains all of the corresponding busNetBits. |
This function returns the source value of this net. |
This function returns a collection of Steiners associated with this net. |
This function returns a collection of terminals in this modNet. By default, the collection only contains explicit terminals associated with this net. When oacTermIterAll is included in filterFlags, the collection will contain all terminals associated with this net, including implicit terminals.
This function returns a collection of vias associated this net.
This function returns a boolean indicating whether there are constraints associated with this net.
This function returns a boolean value that indicates if this net has any objects attached to it or associated with it. |
This function returns a boolean value that indicates if this net is a global net. |
This function returns a boolean value that indicates if this net is implicit, having been automatically created as a result of the creation of a bundleNet or busNet. |
This function returns a boolean value that indicates whether the specified name is valid for a new oaNet in the specified block. False is returned if the name of the net is hierarchical and found in the occurrence domain. False is also returned if the name of the net is hierarchical, but there is no occurrence with the specified path name. |
This function merges the specified fromNet into this net. The two nets must have the same number of bits. All of the following objects in the fromNet are transferred to this net: terminals, instTerms, figures, guides, properties, and textDisplays. Net attributes are merged, with the greater of the net priorities between the two nets retained. If the fromNet is global, this net is made global. If both nets have properties of the same name, the properties on this net are retained. If the fromNet is equivalent to other nets, those nets are also made equivalent to this net. If the nets are multi-bit nets, equivalences between scalar members are established for those members that are not implicit. For example, if there are nets "x,y", "a,b", "x", "y", "a", and "b" and "a,b" is merged into "x,y", net "a" is made equivalent to "x" and net "b" is made equivalent to "y." The fromNet is then destroyed.
This function insures that the bitNets associated with this net have been promoted to the explicit state so that they can support implementation data such as shapes and routes. If this net is a multibit net, this function insures that all constituent bitNets are promoted to the explicit state. The multibit net is then demoted to the implicit state so that no implementation data can be associated with it. When a net is demoted to the implicit state, associated implementation data is removed from it.
This function sets the global attribute of this block net. Note that when setting a block net to be global, the net merges into the global net. The object pointer representing that global block net might not be the same as the object pointer of the original non-global block net.
This function sets the priority value for this net. The specified priority value must be in the range of -128 to 128. The default priority is 0 if no set has been done.
This function sets the sigType attribute of this net to the specified value. Note: The sigType of an oaNet can be different from the sigType of its corresponding oaModNet. In other words, this function sets the sigType on the this net in the block domain only.
This function sets the source for this net to the specified value.
This function transfers objects from the specified fromNet to this net. Shapes, routes, terminals, and instance terminals are moved from the specified net to this net. Properties are copied or merged and textDisplays are updated accordingly.
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