oaGuide Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaGuide:

oaConnFig oaFig oaBlockObject oaDesignObject oaObject

Public Methods

oaLayerHeadergetBeginLayerHeader () const
oaLayerHeadergetEndLayerHeader () const
void getPoints (oaPoint &beginPoint, oaPoint &endPoint) const
oaLayerNum getBeginLayerNum () const
oaLayerNum getEndLayerNum () const
oaRoutegetRoute () const
oaBoolean hasRoute () const
oaBoolean followLayers () const
void setPoints (const oaPoint &beginPoint, const oaPoint &endPoint)
void setBeginLayerNum (oaLayerNum layer)
void setEndLayerNum (oaLayerNum layer)
void setFollowLayers (oaBoolean value)

Static Public Methods

oaGuide * create (oaBlock *block, const oaPoint &beginPoint, const oaPoint &endPoint, oaLayerNum beginLayer=oacAnyLayerNum, oaLayerNum endLayer=oacAnyLayerNum)

Public Types

enum  { dtIndex = oacGuideDataType }

Detailed Description

The oaGuide class specifies a connection between two objects that are intended to be wired together. Guides are generally replaced with physical objects when the wiring for the net is completed. Guides can be used before the detailed location of the wiring is known, but after the branching of the wire into segments for each end point is known and/or layer constraints are known. Guides also qualify as route objects and can be added to routes.

The oaGuide class can be observed by deriving from oaObserver<oaGuide>.

Member Function Documentation

oaGuide * oaGuide::create oaBlock *    block,
const oaPoint &    beginPoint,
const oaPoint &    endPoint,
oaLayerNum    beginLayer = oacAnyLayerNum,
oaLayerNum    endLayer = oacAnyLayerNum

This function creates a guide object in the specified block with the specified attributes.

block The block in which to create this guide
beginPoint The begin point for this guide
endPoint The end point for this guide. The end point may be the same as the begin point.
beginLayer An optional begin layer number for this guide
endLayer An optional end layer number for this guide

oaBoolean oaGuide::followLayers   const

This function returns a boolean indicating whether the layers specified must be followed when attempting to replace this guide with physical routing.

oaLayerHeader * oaGuide::getBeginLayerHeader   const

This function returns the layerHeader for the begin layer of this guide. If there is no specific begin layer associated with this guide, a NULL is returned.

oaLayerNum oaGuide::getBeginLayerNum   const

This function returns the layer number where this guide begins. If one hasn't been specified then an oacAnyLayerNum value is returned.

oaLayerHeader * oaGuide::getEndLayerHeader   const

This function returns the layerHeader for the end layer of this guide. If there is no specific end layer associated with this guide, a NULL is returned.

oaLayerNum oaGuide::getEndLayerNum   const

This function returns the end layer number of this guide. If one hasn't been specified then an oacAnyLayerNumValue is returned.

void oaGuide::getPoints oaPoint &    beginPoint,
oaPoint &    endPoint

This function returns the begin and end points for this guide in the given oaPoint parameters.

beginPoint The begin point is returned in this parameter
endPoint The end point is returned in this parameter

oaRoute * oaGuide::getRoute   const

This function returns the route this guide is attached to. If this guide is not attached to a route, NULL is returned.

oaBoolean oaGuide::hasRoute   const

This function returns a boolean indicating whether this guide belongs to a route. true is returned if the guide belongs to a route; false otherwise.

void oaGuide::setBeginLayerNum oaLayerNum    layer

This function changes the begin layer for this guide.

layer The layer number of the new begin layer for this guide.

void oaGuide::setEndLayerNum oaLayerNum    layer

This function changes the end layer for this guide.

layer The layer number of the new end layer for this guide.

oaBoolean oaGuide::setFollowLayers oaBoolean    value

This function changes the follow layers attribute for this guide to the specified value.

void oaGuide::setPoints const oaPoint &    beginPoint,
const oaPoint &    endPoint

This function changes the begin and end points for this guide.

beginPoint The new begin point for this guide
endPoint The new end point for this guide

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Enumeration values:

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