oaLayerHeader Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaLayerHeader:

oaBlockObject oaDesignObject oaObject

Public Methods

oaLayergetLayer () const
oaLayerNum getLayerNum () const
void getSteinerBBox (oaBox &bBox) const
void getBlockageBBox (oaBox &bBox) const
void getGuideBBox (oaBox &bBox) const
oaCollection< oaSteiner, oaLayerHeader > getSteiners () const
oaCollection< oaBlockage, oaLayerHeader > getBlockages () const
oaCollection< oaGuide, oaLayerHeader > getGuides (oaUInt4 filterFlags=oacGuideIterBeginAndEndLayers) const
oaCollection< oaLPPHeader, oaLayerHeader > getLPPHeaders () const
oaBoolean isBound () const

Static Public Methods

oaLayerHeader * find (const oaBlock *block, oaLayerNum layerNum)

Public Types

enum  { dtIndex = oacLayerHeaderDataType }

Detailed Description

The oaLayerHeader class implements persistent objects that are created and destroyed automatically on a need basis. The existence of an oaLayerHeader object indicates that the layer it represents is currently being used by a database object in some way in the design hierarchy. oaLayerHeader objects provide direct access to the collections of steiners, guides and blockages that use the layer they represent and provide indirect access to the collection of shapes that use that layer by providing a collection of oaLPPHeader objects that use the same layer as the oaLayerHeader object.

The oaLayerHeader class can be observed by deriving from oaObserver<oaLayerHeader>.

Member Function Documentation

oaLayerHeader * oaLayerHeader::find const oaBlock *    block,
oaLayerNum    layerNum

This function searches the specified block looking for an layerHeader with the specified layer number. If the layerHeader is found, it is returned, otherwise NULL is returned.

block A pointer to the oaBlock object in which to search
layerNum The layer number which the layerHeader represents

void oaLayerHeader::getBlockageBBox oaBox &    bBox const

This function fills out 'bBox' with the bBox which is the union of all the bBoxes of blockages on the layer represented by this layerHeader.

This bBox includes bounding boxes of layer range blockages and layer range halo blockages if the header's layerNum falls in the layer range of these blockages and the layer header is bound to the layer.

bBox A reference to an oaBox object to be populated

oaCollection oaLayerHeader::getBlockages   const

This function returns a collection of blockages associated with the layer represented by this layerHeader.

This collection includes layer range blockages and layer range halo blockages if the header's layerNum falls in the layer range of these blockages and the layer header is bound to the layer.

void oaLayerHeader::getGuideBBox oaBox &    bBox const

This function fills out 'bBox' with the bBox which is the union of all the bBoxes of guides that either begin or end on the layer represented by this layerHeader.

bBox A reference to an oaBox object to be populated

oaCollection oaLayerHeader::getGuides oaUInt4    filterFlags = oacGuideIterBeginAndEndLayers const

This function returns a collection of guides related to this layerHeader.

Applications can customize the collection by passing the proper value for the filterFlags parameter. The default value for this parameter is oavGuideIterBeginAndEndLayers, which results in a collection of a unique set of guides that either begin or end on the layer represented by the layerHeader.

Applications can also use oavGuideIterBeginLayer, which results in a collection of guides that begin on that layer, or they can use oavGuideIterEndLayer, which results in a collection of guides that only end on that layer.

A bit-wise OR of oavGuideIterBeginLayer and oavGuideIterEndLayer results in the same behavior as oavGuideIterBeginAndEndLayers, which is the default value.

filterFlags These flags represent the customization required by an application, as explained above.

oaLayer * oaLayerHeader::getLayer   const

This function attempts to return the layer associated with the specified layerHeader. If the layerHeader cannot be bound, a NULL will be returned.

This function returns the layer number associated with this layerHeader.

oaLayerNum oaLayerHeader::getLayerNum   const

This function returns the layer number which this layerHeader represents.

oaCollection oaLayerHeader::getLPPHeaders   const

This function returns a collection of oaLPPHeader objects related to this layerHeader. An oaLPPHeader is related to the oaLayerHeader if its layer is the same as the oaLayerHeader object.

void oaLayerHeader::getSteinerBBox oaBox &    bBox const

This function fills out 'bBox' with the bBox which is the union of all the bBoxes of steiners on the layer represented by this layerHeader.

bBox A reference to an oaBox object to be populated

oaCollection oaLayerHeader::getSteiners   const

This function returns a collection of steiners associated with the layer represented by this layerHeader.

oaBoolean oaLayerHeader::isBound   const

This function returns a boolean indicating whether or not this layerHeader is bound to its technology oaLayer object.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Enumeration values:

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