oaModMemNetCollection Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaModMemNetCollection:


Public Methods

oaBoolean includes (const oaModNet *object)

Detailed Description

The member net collection class represents a collection of nets that the starting net is a member of. The oaModMemNetCollection is such a collection of oaModNet objects in the module domain. Examples are that a[1] is a member of a[4:0]. All explicit nets are members of themselves and so have a non-empty member net collection. See oaNet::getMemberNets() for a complete description of which nets are members of which other nets.

The oaModMemNetCollection class is a specialized collection class because the oaModMemNetIter used to iterate over it does not have the standard getNext signature use by the template collection classes.

The most common way to use an oaModMemNetCollection is to use it inline in the construction of an oaModMemNetIter, so the oaModMemNetCollection is never explicitly declared. In the following example, modnet->getMemberNets() returns an oaModMemNetCollection.

    oaUInt4  pos;
	oaModMemNetIter nIter(modnet->getMemberNets());
	while (oaModNet *mnet = nIter.getNext(pos))
        { ... }

Member Function Documentation

oaBoolean oaModMemNetCollection::includes const oaModNet *    object [inline]

This functions determines if the specified module net is a member of the collection.

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