oaOccBusTermBit Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaOccBusTermBit:

oaOccBitTerm oaOccTerm oaOccObject oaDesignObject oaObject

Public Methods

oaBusTermBitgetTerm () const
oaModBusTermBitgetModTerm () const
oaOccBusTermDefgetDef () const
oaUInt4 getBitIndex () const
void getName (oaVectorBitName &name) const
void getName (oaName &name) const
void getName (const oaNameSpace &ns, oaString &name) const

Static Public Methods

oaOccBusTermBit * find (const oaOccurrence *occurrence, const oaScalarName &baseName, oaUInt4 bitIndex)

Detailed Description

The oaOccBusTermBit class implements a single bit of an oaOccBusTerm, a busTerm in the occurrence domain. oaModBusTermBit objects are never created or destroyed by applications. oaModBusTermBit objects are created or destroyed automatically as oaOccBusTerm objects are created or destroyed.

The oaOccBusTermBits are always implicit terminals. They cannot have their connected net changed with moveToNet(), nor can they have pins created on them.

oaOccBusTermBit, oaModBusTermBit, and oaBusTermBit each represent a bit of a busTerminal on a different kind of master, where in each case the master represents a level of hierarchy in the design.

For oaOccBusTermBit, the master is an oaOccurrence, and each occurrence in a design will have a set of zero or more oaOccBusTermBits.

For oaModBusTermBit, the master is an oaModule. For oaBusTerm, the master is an oaBlock, and the top block for the design will have a set of zero or more modBusTermBits. Typically, many of the oaBusTermBits on the top oaBlock have a corresponding oaModBusTerm on the top oaModule. The top oaOccurrence will have a corresponding oaOccBusTermBit for each busTermBit in the union of the terminals between the top oaModule and the top oaBlock.

When oaBusTermBit objects are created in the block domain, the corresponding oaOccBusTermBit objects are automatically created on the top oaOccurrence.

Member Function Documentation

oaOccBusTermBit * oaOccBusTermBit::find const oaOccurrence *    occ,
const oaScalarName &    baseName,
oaUInt4    bitIndex

This function searches the specified occurrence for a busTermBit with the specified baseName and bitIndex. The busTermBit is returned if found. Otherwise, NULL is returned.

occ The occurrence to search for the busTermBit
baseName The base name for the busTermBit
bitIndex The bit index for the busTermBit
A pointer to an oaOccBusTermBit

oaUInt4 oaOccBusTermBit::getBitIndex   const

This function returns the index for this busTermBit.

oaOccBusTermDef * oaOccBusTermBit::getDef   const

This function returns the occBusTermDef associated with this terminal.

oaModBusTermBit * oaOccBusTermBit::getModTerm   const

This function returns the corresponding terminal in the module domain, or NULL if the terminal is not visible in the module domain.

Reimplemented from oaOccTerm.

void oaOccTerm::getName const oaNameSpace &    ns,
oaString &    name

This function fills in name with the name of this terminal mapped to the specified nameSpace.

void oaOccTerm::getName oaName &    name const

This function fills out name with the name of this terminal.

void oaOccBusTermBit::getName oaVectorBitName &    name const

This function returns the name of this occBusTermBit.

name The name of the occBusTermBit to return

oaBusTermBit * oaOccBusTermBit::getTerm   const

This function returns the corresponding terminal in the block domain, or NULL if the terminal is not visible in the block domain.

Reimplemented from oaOccTerm.

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