oaOccDesignInst Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaOccDesignInst:

oaOccInst oaOccObject oaDesignObject oaObject oaOccBitInst oaOccVectorInst oaOccArrayInst oaOccScalarInst oaOccVectorInstBit

Public Methods

oaDesigngetMaster () const
oaOccInstHeadergetHeader () const
void getLibName (oaScalarName &libName) const
void getCellName (oaScalarName &cellName) const
void getViewName (oaScalarName &viewName) const
void getLibName (const oaNameSpace &ns, oaString &libName) const
void getCellName (const oaNameSpace &ns, oaString &cellName) const
void getViewName (const oaNameSpace &ns, oaString &viewName) const
void getParams (oaParamArray &params) const
oaBoolean findParam (const oaString &name, oaParam &param)

Detailed Description

The oaOccDesignInst class implements an occurrence of an instance of a design master.

oaOccDesignInst objects are always in the occurrence domain.

Member Function Documentation

oaBoolean oaOccDesignInst::findParam const oaString &    name,
oaParam &    param

This function searches the parameter list of this instance for a parameter with the specified name. If found, it fills out param with the appropriate attributes and returns true. Otherwise, the function returns false. Only Pcell instances have parameters.

name The parameter name to find
param The parameter class to fill out if the parameter is found

void oaOccDesignInst::getCellName const oaNameSpace &    ns,
oaString &    cellName

This function returns the cell name for the master design referenced by this instance in the namespace specified.

ns The namespace for the cell name
cellName The cell name for the master design

void oaOccDesignInst::getCellName oaScalarName &    cellName const

This function returns the cell name for the master design referenced by this instance.

cellName The name of the cell for the master design

oaOccInstHeader * oaOccDesignInst::getHeader   const

This function returns the occurrence instHeader associated with this instance. The instHeader is a collection of the attributes that are common to all instances of a particular master.

The pointer to the instance header

void oaOccDesignInst::getLibName const oaNameSpace &    ns,
oaString &    libName

This function returns the library name for the master design referenced by this instance in the namespace specified.

ns The namespace for the library name
libName The library name for the master design

void oaOccDesignInst::getLibName oaScalarName &    libName const

This function returns the library name for the master design referenced by this instance.

libName The name of the library for the master design

oaDesign * oaOccDesignInst::getMaster   const

This function attempts to return the master associated with this instance. If the instance is not previously bound, it attempts to open the master and bind this instance. If the instance cannot be bound, NULL is returned.

void oaOccDesignInst::getParams oaParamArray &    params const

This function fills out params with the parameters associated with this instHeader. This call only returns the non-default parameters that were specified during creation or through calls to setParams() on the instances. If this instHeader is not associated with a Pcell master or uses all default parameters, params will have a numParams of zero.

void oaOccDesignInst::getViewName const oaNameSpace &    ns,
oaString &    viewName

This function returns the view name for the master design referenced by this instance in the namespace specified.

ns The namespace for the view name
viewName The view name for the master design

void oaOccDesignInst::getViewName oaScalarName &    viewName const

This function returns the view name for the master design referenced by this instance.

viewName The name of the view for the master design

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