oaPiElmore Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaPiElmore:

oaReducedModel oaDesignObject oaObject

Public Methods

void setNearCap (oaFloat value)
void setRes (oaFloat value)
void setFarCap (oaFloat value)
void setPiModel (oaFloat nearCap, oaFloat res, oaFloat farCap)
oaFloat getNearCap () const
oaFloat getRes () const
oaFloat getFarCap () const
void getPiModel (oaFloat &nearCap, oaFloat &res, oaFloat &farCap) const
oaCollection< oaElmore, oaPiElmore > getElmores () const

Static Public Methods

oaPiElmore * create (oaDesignObject *driver, const oaAnalysisPoint *ap, oaFloat nearCap, oaFloat res, oaFloat farCap)
oaPiElmore * find (const oaDesignObject *driver, const oaAnalysisPoint *ap)

Detailed Description

The oaPiElmore class represents a reduced model for the parasitics seen by a driver of a net, using a PI model and a set of Elmore delays to each receiver. The PI model consists of two capacitors and a resistor between them, with nearCap being the capacitor closer to the driver. The oaElmore class represents the Elmore delays, which are the first moment of the impulse response of the interconnect parasitics from the driver to each receiver.

Undo is not supported for oaPiElmore objects.

Member Function Documentation

oaPiElmore * oaPiElmore::create oaDesignObject *    driver,
const oaAnalysisPoint *    ap,
oaFloat    nearCap,
oaFloat    res,
oaFloat    farCap

This function creates a piElmore model for the specified driver object and analysis point. The driver can be terminal or instTerm in block or occurrence domain.


oaPiElmore * oaPiElmore::find const oaDesignObject *    driver,
const oaAnalysisPoint *    ap

This function finds the piElmore on the specified driver and analysisPoint. If found it returns the object, otherwise it returns null pointer to the caller.

oaCollection oaPiElmore::getElmores   const

This function returns a collection of elmores for the receivers in this reduced model.

oaFloat oaPiElmore::getFarCap   const

This function returns the value of the capacitor farthest from the driver in the PI model.

oaFloat oaPiElmore::getNearCap   const

This function returns the value of the capacitor closest to the driver in the PI model.

oaFloat oaPiElmore::getPiModel oaFloat &    nearCap,
oaFloat &    res,
oaFloat &    farCap

This function returns the PI model values of this oaPiElmore.

oaFloat oaPiElmore::getRes   const

This function returns the value of the resistor in the PI model.

void oaPiElmore::setFarCap oaFloat    value

This function sets the value of the capacitor farthest from the driver in the PI model.

void oaPiElmore::setNearCap oaFloat    value

This function sets the value of the capacitor closest to the driver in the PI model.

void oaPiElmore::setPiModel oaFloat    nearCap,
oaFloat    res,
oaFloat    farCap

This function sets the PI model values for this oaPiElmore.

void oaPiElmore::setRes oaFloat    value

This function sets the value of the resistor in the PI model.

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