oaDesignObject Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaDesignObject:

oaObject oaAnalysisOpPoint oaAnalysisPoint oaBlockObject oaDesign oaDevice oaElmore oaModObject oaNode oaOccObject oaOpPointHeader oaParasiticNetwork oaPoleResidue oaReducedModel oaSubNetwork

Public Methods

oaBoolean isNode () const
oaBoolean isDevice () const
oaBoolean isStdDevice () const
oaBoolean isReducedModel () const
oaBoolean isBlockObject () const
oaBoolean isModObject () const
oaBoolean isOccObject () const
oaDesigngetDesign () const

Public Types

enum  { dbType = oacDesignDBType }

Detailed Description

This is the abstract base class for all managed objects that are specific to oaDesigns.

There is a substantial tree of classes derived from oaDesignObject. For most of these classes, an oaDesignObject can be classified using its oaType value. See oaObject::getType for more information. For the classes derived from oaDesignObject that are base classes, oaDesignObject has functions to test for membership in that base class.

Note that oaProp, oaGroup, and oaAppObject instances can be stored in an oaDesign even though they are not oaDesignObjects. These classes may appear in every database, so they are classified only as oaObjects.

Note that a number of classes that were direct descendants of oaDesignObject before OpenAccess version 2.1 are now descended from oaBlockObject.

Member Function Documentation

oaDesign * oaDesignObject::getDesign   const

This function returns the design that contains the oaDesignObject.

This returns the same value as oaObject::getDatabase, but this is more convenient where the object is known to be an oaDesignObject.

oaBoolean oaDesignObject::isBlockObject   const

This function determines if this object lives in the block domain. All objects that describe the physical hierarchy are block objects. See oaBlockObject for more.

oaBoolean oaDesignObject::isDevice   const

This function determines if this object is an instance of one of the classes derived from the oaDevice class. The function returns a boolean value of true if the oaDesignObject is a parasitic device.

oaBoolean oaDesignObject::isModObject   const

This function determines if this object lives in the module domain. All objects that describe the purely logical hierarchy are module objects. See oaModObject for more.

oaBoolean oaDesignObject::isNode   const

This function determines if this object is an instance of one of the classes derived from the oaNode class. The function returns a boolean value of true if the oaDesignObject is a parasitic node.

oaBoolean oaDesignObject::isOccObject   const

This function determines if this object lives in the occurrence domain. All instance, net and terminal related objects in either the module domain or the block domain are reflected as corresponding objects in the occurrence domain. The occurrence objects are unfolded so that there are distinct instances of them for every path thru the hierarchy to the object.

See oaOccObject for more.

oaBoolean oaDesignObject::isReducedModel   const

This function determines if this object is an instance of one of the classes derived from the oaReducedModel class. The function returns a boolean value of true if the oaDesignObject is a reduced parasitic model.

oaBoolean oaDesignObject::isStdDevice   const

This function determines if this object is an instance of one of the classes derived from the oaStdDevice class. The function returns a boolean value of true if the oaDesignObject is a standard parasitic device.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Enumeration values:

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