oaPoleResidue Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaPoleResidue:

oaDesignObject oaObject

Public Methods

void destroy ()
void setDelay (oaFloat delay)
void setPoles (const oaComplexArray< oaFloat > &poles)
void setResidues (const oaComplexArray< oaFloat > &res)
oaFloat getDelay () const
void getPoles (oaComplexArray< oaFloat > &poles) const
void getResidues (oaComplexArray< oaFloat > &res) const
oaDesignObjectgetReceiver () const
oaPiPoleResiduegetPiPoleResidue () const

Static Public Methods

oaPoleResidue * create (oaPiPoleResidue *model, oaDesignObject *receiver, oaFloat delay, const oaComplexArray< oaFloat > &poles, const oaComplexArray< oaFloat > &residues)
oaPoleResidue * find (const oaPiPoleResidue *model, const oaDesignObject *receiver)

Public Types

enum  { dtIndex = oacPoleResidueDataType }
enum  { domain = oacNoDomain }

Detailed Description

The oaPoleResidue class represents an Elmore delay and a set of poles and residues that approximate the transfer function of the interconnect parasitics from a particular driver to a receiver on the net. The oaPoleResidue objects are part of a complete oaPiPoleResidue reduced model for a driver.

Undo is not supported for oaPoleResidue objects.

The oaPoleResidue class can be observed by deriving from oaObserver<oaPoleResidue>.

Member Function Documentation

oaPoleResidue * oaPoleResidue::create oaPiPoleResidue *    model,
oaDesignObject *    receiver,
oaFloat    delay,
const oaComplexArray< oaFloat > &    poles,
const oaComplexArray< oaFloat > &    residues

This function creates a new oaPoleResidue object for the specified receiver object, which can be terminal or instTerm in block or occurrence domain, and adds the oaPoleResidue object to the specified oaPiPoleResidue model.

model The oaPiPoleResidue model to which to add this oaPoleResidue object
receiver The receiver terminal for which to create the oaPoleResidue object
delay The Elmore delay to the receiver for this oaPoleResidue object
poles The complex numbers for each pole of the interconnect network
residues The complex numbers for each residue for the receiver for this oaPoleResidue object

void oaPoleResidue::destroy  

This function destroys this oaPoleResidue object, removing it from the database.

oaPoleResidue * oaPoleResidue::find const oaPiPoleResidue *    model,
const oaDesignObject *    receiver

This function finds and returns the oaPoleResidue value for the specified receiver object in the oaPiPoleResidue reduced model. If no oaPoleResidue object exists for the receiver, the function returns NULL.

oaFloat oaPoleResidue::getDelay   const

This function returns the Elmore delay for this oaPoleResidue object.

oaPiPoleResidue * oaPoleResidue::getPiPoleResidue   const

This function returns the oaPiPoleResidue reduced model for this oaPoleResidue object.

void oaPoleResidue::getPoles oaComplexArray< oaFloat > &    poles const

This function fills out poles with the complex numbers for each of the poles of the interconnect network.

oaDesignObject * oaPoleResidue::getReceiver   const

This function returns the receiver for this oaPoleResidue object. The receiver is either a terminal or an instTerm.

void oaPoleResidue::getResidues oaComplexArray< oaFloat > &    residues const

This function fills out residues with the complex numbers for each of the residues for the receiver for this oaPoleResidue object.

void oaPoleResidue::setDelay oaFloat    delay

This function sets the Elmore delay for this oaPoleResidue object.

void oaPoleResidue::setPoles const oaComplexArray< oaFloat > &    poles

This function sets the poles of the interconnect network for this oaPoleResidue object to the specified values.

void oaPoleResidue::setResidues const oaComplexArray< oaFloat > &    residues

This function sets the residues for the receiver for this oaPoleResidue object to the specified values.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Enumeration values:

anonymous enum

Enumeration values:

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