Name Class Index

All OpenAccess names are represented by a string plus the "name space" where the rules for interpreting that string are defined. The standard algorithmic one-to-one name mapping implemented in the OpenAccess database ensures that names can be mapped among all name spaces, that names do not collide, and the meaning of names is not altered when they are mapped.

See Name Mapping and Deriving Your Own Namespace for more information.

b | c | d | l | n | s | u | v | w

oaNameBase   oaSpiceNS   
oaBundleName   oaNameMem   
oaNameSpace   oaUnixNS   
oaCdbaNS   oaNameType   
oaNativeNS   oaVectorBitName   
oaScalarName   oaVerilogNS   
oaLefNS   oaSimpleName   oaVhdlNS   
oaName   oaSpfNS   oaWinNS   

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