Observer Class Index

OpenAccess observers are a set of classes that allow applications to request notification when certain changes occur to the state and contents of open databases. This observer mechanism allows a complex application to keep its internal state consistent with changes made by other code in the same process.

See oaObserver Class Template Reference, OpenAccess Observers, and oaDesign Observer Notification, Binding, and Loading for more information.

b | o | p | r | s | v

oaObserver<oaDerivedLayerParamDef>   oaObserver_3T, V_4   
oaBaseObserver   oaObserver<oaDesign>   
oaObserver<oaDMData>   oaPcellObserver   
oaObserver   oaObserver<oaGroupDef>   
oaObserver<oaAppDef>   oaObserver<oaLib>   oaRecursionObserver   
oaObserver<oaChangeMgr>   oaObserver<oaLibDefList>   
oaObserver<oaConstraintDef>   oaObserver<oaParasiticNetwork>   oaStdObserver   
oaObserver<oaConstraintGroupDef>   oaObserver<oaTech>   
oaObserver<oaConstraintParamDef>   oaObserver<oaViewType>   oaVCObserver   
oaObserver<oaDerivedLayerDef>   oaObserver<oaWafer>   

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