Occurrence Domain Class Index

The occurrence domain includes an unfolded description of all connectivity and hierarchy specified in either the module or block domains. Unfolded means that each path down the hierarchy leads to distinct occurrence objects. Note that occShapes are not part of the occurrence domain and are not included in this category.

See Understanding OpenAccess Hierarchy in the Programmers Guide for more information.


oaOccBusTermBit   oaOccNet   
oaOccArrayInst   oaOccBusTermDef   oaOccNetConnectDef   
oaOccAssignAssignment   oaOccConnectDef   oaOccObject   
oaOccAssignment   oaOccDesignInst   oaOccScalarInst   
oaOccAssignValue   oaOccInst   oaOccScalarNet   
oaOccBitInst   oaOccInstHeader   oaOccScalarTerm   
oaOccBitNet   oaOccInstTerm   oaOccTerm   
oaOccBitTerm   oaOccModuleBitInst   oaOccTermConnectDef   
oaOccBundleNet   oaOccModuleInst   oaOccTraverser   
oaOccBundleTerm   oaOccModuleInstHeader   oaOccurrence   
oaOccBusNet   oaOccModuleScalarInst   oaOccVectorInst   
oaOccBusNetBit   oaOccModuleVectorInst   oaOccVectorInstBit   
oaOccBusNetDef   oaOccModuleVectorInstBit   oaOccVectorInstDef   

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